Goatboy’s Grimdark Armylist – 3 Chaos Lists for 3 Land Raiders

Goatboy here with a trio of Chaos lists for CSM, Death Guard, & World Eaters, that will crush anything beneath their triple Land Raiders’ tracks!
This last week over at BOLS HQ I was helping clean up some boxes. There happened to be a pile of junked Vehicles that as originally going to become some terrain. In the pile was a primed red Land Raider and I happened to find a missing Heavy Bolter to finish it off. Of course as we were cleaning it meant this model is coming home with me to get a nice “Chaos” update and give me 3 Chaos Land Raiders to play with.
What does this mean? Well, let me throw out 3 different Chaos lists that somehow utilize 3 Land Raiders to create something unique. Heck I might play it at the next event I try to do in April and future ones in May. It sounds easy to play, might do ok, and at least give me Mega Chad medals if someone gave me Mega Chad Medals.
The Triple Land Raider Core
Thankfully all three main punch-based CSM armies all have Land Raiders that cost the same. Each one would probably be set up the same as it is simple enough and gives the most “usage”. This would be a Regular Land Raider, Combi-Weapon, Twin Linked Heavy Bolter, and a Havoc Missile Launcher. I really hate the Havoc as it never does anything, but there is some hope it works out one day.
Chaos Land Raiders – Combi-Weapon, TWL Heavy Bolter, Havoc Missile Launcher – 240pts
Chaos Land Raiders – Combi-Weapon, TWL Heavy Bolter, Havoc Missile Launcher – 240pts
Chaos Land Raiders – Combi-Weapon, TWL Heavy Bolter, Havoc Missile Launcher – 240pts
This sits at 720pts of dumb nonsense that can be a pain for some armies but most likely will be shot up boxes that hopefully won’t lose all their candy inside. From there we start to ask questions on what to put in it. Each of the Chaos assault-based armies has different things they can shove in. The shift to 12 transport spaces creates some unique options to build if you want – things like Death Guards 3 Man Terminator options and the 3 man Daemon Obsessed Khorne fanatics.
This goes hard into the MSU lifestyle and is probably one of the better ways to go. If you are vomiting out a ton of damage-dealers you want to have too many options for your opponent to pick when overwatching. Having a giant unit is a super simple choice most of the time for the opponent. But it also has the disadvantage of not frontloading strategies to basically overwhelm the enemy.
The World Eaters Triple Land Raider List
First up let’s look at World Eaters. It really feels like the balance update took a lot of wind out of their sails, but this type of 3 Land Raider Chad army of doom might be fun enough to pull more wins versus losses. Or you could just watch your expensive boxes explode. Either way, the idea with this one is to hopefully let the World Eater player set up assaults as needed with a ton of MSU options.
For those not knowing what MSU is – it is Multiple Small Units. The usage of this is again to let you have multiple chances to make a charge, give too many targets for an enemy to overwhelm with damage, and limit weapons like blast etc. What it doesn’t do is let you stack a ton of Strats to create a single super unit. But the benefit of just having more units on the table makes up for it.
Anyway, onto the World Eaters side of things. Stacking the Land Raiders with Berzerkers and Eightbound seems to set up a better option. The unfortunate point jumps on Exalted meant we couldn’t go all in on those guys, so we had to go with the “cheaper” Khorne lovers. I really wish they didn’t hit the points on them, as I could deal with all the other stuff. The other option here would be some Terminators. But again they are just too expensive and fill up the entire Land Raider.
World Eaters Land Raider Doom! V.1
Angron – Warlord – 415pts
Kharn – 100pts
Berzerkers X 5 – Plasma Pistol X 2, Khorne Icon, Khornate Eviscerator X 1 – 100pts
Berzerkers X 5 – Plasma Pistol X 2, Khorne Icon, Khornate Eviscerator X 1 – 100pts
Berzerkers X 5 – Plasma Pistol X 2, Khorne Icon, Khornate Eviscerator X 1 – 100pts
-Non Battleline-
Eightbound X 3 – 145pts
Exalted Eightbound X 3 – 160pts
Exalted Eightbound X 3 – 160pts
World Eater Land Raider – Combi-Weapon, Havoc Launcher, Twin Heavy Bolter – 240pts
World Eater Land Raider – Combi-Weapon, Havoc Launcher, Twin Heavy Bolter – 240pts
World Eater Land Raider – Combi-Weapon, Havoc Launcher, Twin Heavy Bolter – 240pts
Pts: 2000
Basically each Land Raider has an Eighbound-like unit mixed with 5 Berzerkers, and one of them has Kharn that will vomit out. You will want to be much more cagey with this as you move up, hold points, and hopefully, the boxes keep you alive. Then if you can have a turn to either move +2 inches with the Land Raiders and vomit out your damage and hope for the best.
The Death Guard Triple Land Raider List
Next up will do a Death Guard list as, again, they have some similarities with the World Eaters by having a 3-man Terminator/3 Wound unit and a Primarch that helps make the army work. I think this list might actually be better and a very weird set up when compared to other DG. I also think Morty helps amp up the Land Raiders into something that is scary for C’Tan and other damage-ignoring options.
It is another MSU style army as well and I think it might work well. My biggest issue with this is I would have to update the models to a red Color. Heck, I should have done that years ago when building all my Chaos Options to try and unify it all and let me use anything for everything.
Death Guard Land Raider Stank Box – V.1
Mortarion – Warlord – 325pts
Foul Blightspawn – Enhancement: Living Plague – 70pts
Death Guard Chaos Lord – Enhancement: Deadly Pathogen – 80pts
Foul Blightspawn – Enchantment: Shamblerot – 75pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Heavy Plague Weapon X 2, Plague Belcher, Plague Spewer, Blight Launcher – 90pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Heavy Plague Weapon X 2, Plague Belcher, Plague Spewer, Blight Launcher – 90pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Heavy Plague Weapon X 2, Plague Belcher, Plague Spewer, Blight Launcher – 90pts
-Non Battleline-
Death Guard Land Raider – Combi-Weapon, Havoc Launcher, Twin Heavy Bolter – 240pts
Death Guard Land Raider – Combi-Weapon, Havoc Launcher, Twin Heavy Bolter – 240pts
Death Guard Land Raider – Combi-Weapon, Havoc Launcher, Twin Heavy Bolter – 240pts
Deathshroud Terminators X 3 – Plaguespurt Gauntlet X 4 – 120pts
Deathshroud Terminators X 3 – Plaguespurt Gauntlet X 4 – 120pts
Deathshroud Terminators X 3 – Plaguespurt Guantlet X 4 – 120pts
Foetid Bloat-Drone – Heavy Blight Launcher, Plague Probe – 90pts
PTS: 1990
This is very similar to how the World Eaters is set up, just with a bit more take-all-comers units in there. All the Plague Marines can pump out a ton of firepower damage to weak things and have a decent assault. All the characters can help as well, and you are set up to just be a bit of a problem in general when you get out. The Deathshroud also comes out and can hit very hard as well, which is a helpful counter-assault. Mortarion is now really good by giving out an Aura of ignore modifiers as well. I also like how the Bloat Drone can sit in the back and help.
Also, it kind of makes me upset that Plague Marines and Deathshroud are so much less versus the World Eater options. How is this fair to my Khorne buddies!
The CSM Triple Land Raider List
Finally, we get to a Chaos Space Marine version that tries to utilize the old punch of Chosen coming out of a bunch of different Marked Land Raiders. It is a sad day with the update and how much it has hit this army pretty hard. We also don’t have any sweet 3-man / 3-wound unit options in the book so it makes it hard to do some of the double up options we have in the other two. I really wish we had gotten a cool new Mutilator option in the book, but we can see if it shows up later. Please, GW, be nice to the Goatboy.
Chaos Space Marine Land Raider Box Fight! V.1
Chaos Lord – Mark of Nurgle, Daemon Hammer, Plasma Pistol, Enhancement: Orb of Unlife – 120pts
Chaos Lord – Mark of Khorne, Daemon Hammer, Plasma Pistol, Enhancement: Talisman of Burning Blood – 115pts
Exalted Champion – Mark of Chaos Undivided – 70pts
Master of Possession – Mark of Chaos Undivided – 80pts
Chaos Cultists X 10 – Mark of Nurgle – 55pts
Chaos Cultists X 10 – Mark of Nurgle – 55pts
-Non Battleline-
Chaos Land Raider – Combi-Weapon, Havoc Launcher, Twin Heavy Bolter – 240pts
Chaos Land Raider – Combi-Weapon, Havoc Launcher, Twin Heavy Bolter – 240pts
Chaos Land Raider – Combi-Weapon, Havoc Launcher, Twin Heavy Bolter – 240pts
Chosen X 10 – Mark of Khorne, Plasma Pistol X 4, Combi-Weapon X 4, Powerfist X 2, Chaos Icon, Paired Accursed Weapons X 2 260pts
Chosen X 10 – Mark of Nurgle, Plasma Pistol X 4, Combi-Weapon X 4, Powerfist X 2, Chaos Icon, Paired Accursed Weapons X 2 260pts
Chosen X 10 – Mark of Chaos Undivided, Plasma Pistol X 4, Combi-Weapon X 4, Powerfist X 2, Chaos Icon, Paired Accursed Weapons X 2 260pts
PTs: 1995
This is pretty simple list as well. You have Cultists to sticky backfield objectives, Chosen that can punch up, and different marks to make Dark Pacts interesting. Most likely these Land Raiders are better than others as exploding 6’s or 5’s to hit seems powerful with 4 Lascannons shooting out from it. This one is the easiest one to get ready. I just still need to paint one Land Raider up and I am ready to go.
Do you like these? I think the DG one might be the best just as it has a ton of options and damage potential mixed with a very cheap Primarch. The CSM list is another one that is interesting as again it is a simple list trying to live within the jail GW put on CSM currently. The poor World Eater one just feels mean as it got kicked so hard before it really was able to try to fly.
Which one would you pick?