Goatboy’s Grimdark Armylist – Triple Khorne Daemons Rules Stacking

Goatboy here with a Khorne Chaos Daemons list that stacks up all the rules combos from the new Balance Dataslate. Skulls for the Skull Throne!
The new Balance Dataslate opened up a new set of rules in the whole idea that things can get stacked up – if they are not auras. This lead me to looking at a few things that could get stacked up, get things kinda crazy, and just see what nonsense comboa I can do. My first initial look is at offensive abilities and the Khorne Rendmaster on Bloodthrone is something interesting to check out.
For those not in the know on what the heck a Khorne Rendmaster on Blood Throne is – it is the character model you can build from the Skullcannon kit. This is the “chariot” of Khorne that has your Herald riding on top of a bronze bit of nonsense that looks somewhat biomechanical and weirdly Khorne like. I had to paint some of the Skull Cannons at one point and always found it a weird models. The Rendmaster is even odder as it removes the cannon bit and tries to look like an odd motorcycle/tricycle of doom.
The reason we want to talk about it is the simple ability it has of the Blood Throne which lets the model pick a unit that is visible and within 18” in the fight phase and grant some bonus’s to Khorne Daemons that are attacking it. The bonus is a trifecta of awesome for an assault-based army by increasing the strength, Armor Penetration, and Damage by 1. This is a huge host of abilities to give to any Khorne option that wants to punch things to death.
Now, as it’s not an Aura and just a point-and-click ability, it stacks now in the current edition of 40K. So you can have 3 of them, stack 3 of these abilities on a target, and watch as your Flesh Hounds come in at Damage 4 or things like your Blood Crushers coming in at Damage 5! Or those characters that come in hot getting up to damage 6+ pretty easily with some enhancements and other bits of nonsense. On top of that, the Rendmaster is also Damage 3, which lets you get some crazy options and other stacks.
Onto the Khorne Rules Stacking!
This leads me to build the following list that tries to use as many different characters and units as they can join to create a plethora of murder balls. Heck, a lot of the time, you can pick three targets and watch as your leaders start hitting at damage 4+. I remember how GW had to nerf my poor Master of Executions in World Eaters because Damage 5 with precision is too much. How about Skulltaker, who is granting a unit of Bloodletters Devastating wounds on top of having Precision himself?
Khorne Rules Stacking Daemons
Chaos Daemons
Daemonic Incursion
Strike Force (2000 Points)
Be’lakor (350 Points)
• Warlord
• 1x Betraying Shades
1x The Blade of Shadows
Daemon Prince of Chaos (220 Points)
• Daemonic Allegiance: Khorne
• 1x Hellforged weapons
1x Infernal cannon
• Enhancements: A’rgath, The King of Blades
Karanak (65 Points)
• 1x Collar of Khorne
1x Soul-rending fangs
Rendmaster on Blood Throne (150 Points)
• 1x Attendants’ hellblades
1x Blade of blood
Rendmaster on Blood Throne (150 Points)
• 1x Attendants’ hellblades
1x Blade of blood
Rendmaster on Blood Throne (150 Points)
• 1x Attendants’ hellblades
1x Blade of blood
Skullmaster (100 Points)
• 1x Blade of blood
1x Juggernaut’s bladed horn
Skulltaker (85 Points)
• 1x The Slayer Sword
Bloodletters (120 Points)
• 1x Bloodreaper
• 1x Hellblade
• 9x Bloodletter
• 9x Hellblade
Bloodcrushers (220 Points)
• 1x Bloodhunter
• 1x Hellblade
1x Juggernaut’s bladed horn
• 5x Bloodcrusher
• 1x Daemonic Icon
5x Hellblade
1x Instrument of Chaos
5x Juggernaut’s bladed horn
Flesh Hounds (140 Points)
• 1x Gore Hound
• 1x Burning roar
1x Collar of Khorne
1x Gore-drenched fangs
• 9x Flesh Hound
• 9x Collar of Khorne
9x Gore-drenched fangs
Flesh Hounds (140 Points)
• 1x Gore Hound
• 1x Burning roar
1x Collar of Khorne
1x Gore-drenched fangs
• 9x Flesh Hound
• 9x Collar of Khorne
9x Gore-drenched fangs
Skull Cannon (105 Points)
• 1x Attendants’ hellblades
1x Biting maw
1x Skull cannon
1995 Points
Khorne Rules Stacking Tactics
There are better ways to build this, either going all in on Bloodcrushers and Flesh hounds to just get a fast set of units into the opponent’s army. I went with this one as it lets me play a ton of different options and just go to town with rules stacks. The Rend Masters will most likely start off the table and teleport in as they don’t need to be too close and get shot up. Everything else is set up to help keep your things alive, with Be’lakor and the Daemon Prince granting Stealth.
I even thought about putting in the Skull Altar as you can infiltrate it and bubble out your Shadow a bit as needed. It still might be better than the Skull Cannon on the end or again just shifting all the models around to just go all in on Cavalry options and fast doggies of doom.
Skulls for the Brass Throne