Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: 10th Edition’s 5 Best Detachment Rules

Goatboy here. Today, we want to talk about 40K 10th Edition’s top 5 Detachments. Let’s dig into the best of the best.
Each 40K army of corse has a unique Army Rule, and then they have detachment rules that get activated based off that. It is less exciting now as most of the game’s factions are still running on Index Rules. However, some of them are very powerful. In fact it feels like a lot of the 40K 10th’s issues are that the Index Detachments are are allover the place in terms of power level – which is its own issue. But hey – some Detachments are really good ad you will commonly see them on the tabletop. So let’s go through the top five.
5 – Aeldari – Battlehost
This Detachment is pretty simple and is powerful in an army that loves MSU, has very powerful MSU options, and a ton of vehicles that just love getting a reroll. Their rule is letting a unit reroll one hit and then also get to reroll 1 wound roll. This is pretty bonkers as it basically means each unit gets two free CP Rerolls a turn. This means if you have 10 units in your army, each turn you gain a CP for the turn, another one if you have some way to do it, and then each unit has 2 CP to play with per turn. I expect this one to get nerfed hard whenever they get a new Aeldari codex comes out.
4 – Death Guard – Plague Company
I find this Death Guard Detachment to be a very powerful update to the initial index one. Anything that allows you to tailor what your army list to do per game is pretty powerful. The dropping of enemy WS and BS by 1 is very powerful. It allows some stacking with other rules that give things a -1 to hit. -1 to hit and -1 to your WS/BS are two different things and can create a very annoying situation; especially when little Nurglings get nearby. Then, on top of all of that, the other used one that makes enemy units save worse by 1 is also very powerful. Again, it lives outside the normal interaction options of armies as it worsens the save and isn’t just an AP value change option.
3 – Black Templars – Righteous Crusaders
I sound like a skipping record, but as you can tell – anything that lets you tailor how your army works before the game is a powerful ability. The ability to have army wide 6+ FNP with a 5+ leadership is a very powerful ability as the Black Templars can be a horde army full of crazy nonsense. Throw in all the fancy new Marine stuff and you got some interesting interactions. The other Vows are pretty good, but this one alone allows for a true horde of crazy people controling the game.
2 – Adeptus Custodes – Shield Host
Who would have thought the simple shifts they did to the Custodes would make them so good in this new meta. They were the pure Pressure breaker bad boys of the game and have done a number to the current pressure bad boys – CSM, Orks, and World Eaters. A Custodes Detachment getting the ability to have a 4+ save to Devastating wounds is a huge thing as just shifting means these guys are going to be so hard to remove from the table. Think about how making this army have a Save vs each wound becomes very powerful when stacked on top of a 3 wound, toughness 5, and 2+ save super jerk.
1 – Necrons – Hypercrypt Legion
This is probably the best Detachment to come out of the “printed” codexes in a long time. The Necrons ability to shift and move things around that normally take longer to get somewhere is huge. You mix that with a constant ability to move, shift, and change the landscape of the battle means a smart player can easily force a side, disappear as needed, and completely change their attack plan during a game. It can be a nightmare for an unprepared player to just try and plan out, react, and hopefully keep their game plan of how to win the game. I expect this one to shift in some ways by either looking at what can teleport or changing stratagems that allow for too-close drops. It’s way too powerful at the moment.
What Detachments do you think are the best? Movement and rerolls appear to be the best rules, with toughness increasing options a close second. This game is weird now in that tough things really start to shift the game when models hit 3+ wounds. It makes me wonder if we are just waiting on the armies to either get new weapons to break through or figure out other ways to overwhelm some of the new Meta Kings and Queens.
Happy gaming!