Horus Heresy: Solar Auxilia Artillery Rolls In
The Solar Auxilia are getting 31st Millennium versions of the Basilisk and Medusa to deliver the boom to the battlefield!
Get ready for some rolling thunder because the artillery packing tanks of the Solar Auxilia are coming soon. The motor pool is getting the big guns with the deployment of the Basilisk and Medusa to the tabletops of the Horus Heresy.
“In the 31st Millennium, if you’re not a genetically enhanced super-soldier, you have to rely on prosaic considerations such as ‘weight of fire’ and ‘strength in numbers’. The Solar Auxilia understand this – which is why they have so many armoured vehicles. For instance, the Basilisk and the Medusa.”
Solar Auxilia Mobile Artillery
While both of these tanks share a common chassis and bring the big hits they also have different roles. The Basilisk for instance is perfect for the long range lobbing of explosive payloads with the Ordnance and Barrage keywords. If you want to soften up targets from a safe distance or pour it down on light infantry then the Basilisk is for you.
On the short range support spectrum the Medusa also has the same high strength shots — only at much closer range. It also has the Ordnance keyword but comes with Rending instead. Anything that gets too close to a Medusa is going to be in for a really bad time.
“This is a dual kit which makes one self-propelled gun in the pattern of your preference, but there are loads of options to customise it to your exacting standards. For instance, the hatch may be built open or closed, and there are two head options for a tank commander, who may either be built examining a monitor or operating a pintle weapon.”
Personally, I appreciate the various modeling options and opportunities this kit comes with. I like that each vehicle can basically be treated as a mini diorama in their own way. Especially once you look at the interior options with the various shells you can add in.
If you’re a fan of these big guns then keep an eye out for this kit. It’s coming soon to Warhammer: The Horus Heresy and will be available in plastic. The Solar Auxilia reinforcements are bringing the BIG boom!
Coordinates locked. Fire-at-will!