It’ll Be More Than Just a Flesh Wound If You Miss the ‘Monty Python: Holy Grail’ Board Game

Launch cows at foes, siege Castle Aargh, and run away from the deadly rabbit. Only a few days left to back the Monty Python board game!
Venture into the silly land of Monty Python and join King Arthur on his quest for the grail. This is an epic quest of absurdity that will have you visiting all your favorite (and not so favorite) people and places from the film. Along the way, you’ll battle and dismember the Black Knight, catapult cows, and much more.
Monty Python Board Game Overview
In the Monty Python & The Holy Grail board game, players are knights seeking to gain as much Valor as possible. Over the course of the game, players will move around the board, completing quests and engaging in challenges to earn Valor.
Completing a quest involves all players in a Blackjack-style battle. The questing player builds their own stack of cards while all other players work together to build a separate stack. The goal is to reach as close as possible without going over the Quest Goal.
Players can also use Relics and Followers in order to affect their stack and their opponent’s.

Similarly, players can challenge each other and the Black Knight, who moves around the board randomly. In a challenge, each player only has 1 card to win the challenge. The highest card wins. However, again, players will have a few tricks up their pouldrons to gain an unexpected advantage in the challenge.
Finally, some cards allow the players to catapult a cow onto the board. For every knight the cow hits, the catapulting player earns valor.
The Monty Python board game is currently running a crowdfunding campaign through BackerKit, which ends on February 8th. So depending when you’re seeing this, you might be running out of time.