The Absolute Best Star Wars Battlefront Games Head to PS5!

In a move that can only be described as Wizard, Aspyr announced today that Star Wars Battlefront 1 & 2 would be coming to PS4 and PS5.
If you remember the halcyon days of Star Wars Battlefront, and especially Star Wars Battlefront 2, then you know why this news is exciting. Earlier today, Aspyr announced the Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection for the PS4 and PS5. This will bring Star Wars Battlefront 1 & 2 to modern consoles.
This is a return to the glorious days of Star Wars Battlefront. These were some of the best Battlefront games, hands down. There was nothing like playing in a furious match, finally unlocking a cool, memorable character, and then either immediately getting killed, or the match ending 30 seconds later.
But there’s more—because the Classic Collection adds bonus content!
Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection – Coming Soon to a PlayStation Near You
Just look at that trailer, look at those twenty-year-old graphics. Try not to think too hard about how these games are being rereleased for their 20th Anniversary celebration. But it’s still so exciting. Iconic battlefields from across the Star Wars galaxy will be yours to fight in.
But of particular interest are the bonus maps and extra heroes that will be included in the pack. In Star Wars Battlefront you’ll get the Jabba’s Palace bonus map. And in SW Battlefront 2 are several bonus maps: Cloud City, Rhen Var Harbor, and Citadel, and the Yavin 4 Arena—a favorite for dueling.
But you’ll also unlock new heroes! Classic bonus content is restored in the collection, meaning you’ll get to play as Asajj Ventress and Kit Fisto:
We welcome Jedi General from the Clone Wars and member of the Jedi High Council, Kit Fisto as a playable hero. Kit’s special abilities are Saber Throw and Force Orb, making him a fierce contender in Hero Assault for hybrid ranged/melee players.
Villains fans, don’t feel left out. We’ve also brought the Linksaber wielding Sith assassin, Asajj Ventress. Asajj’s special abilities are Star Blades and Force push, making her a great choice for close-ranged encounters and quick escapes.
And the classic 64-player online battles are back, fully supported with cross-gen multiplayer. So you can play on PS4 or 5 and be sure of finding a group to throw down with. All the classic modes are there, from Conquest to Capture the Flag, Hunt, Space Assault, and Hero Assault. It looks amazing.
Star Wars Battlefront: Classic Collection releases March 14th!