The Bad Batch S3 E4 Breakdown: “A Different Approach”

On this week’s episode of The Bad Batch, Omega never gives up on anyone or leaves anybody behind. Even in the face of an obvious trap.
After a second season that only whelmed when averaged, the third and final season of The Bad Batch is off to a start that has me interested and invested. So let’s talk about what Clone Force 99 is getting up to as season three continues.
In order to break down this episode, I will need to spoil large portions of what happened this week. If you haven’t watched yet, proceed at your own risk.
An Escape
Last week’s three-part premiere ended with Omega, Crosshair, and Omega’s new hound, Batcher attempting a daring escape from Mount Tantiss in a stolen Imperial shuttle. And it would be pretty boring if they were immediately recaptured so we could watch another few episodes of their daily slog through life in space jail, so they managed to make it off-planet with only major damage to their borrowed ship.
Hemlock takes this time to interrogate a now jailed Nala-Se about Omega’s escape and how many of her samples have mysteriously disappeared and gone untested. Especially since the latest sample is giving some interesting results.
To this point, they haven’t come out and said what is happening on Mount Tantiss, but it feels pretty clear to me that they are attempting to create a force-sensitive clone–likely of the Emperor. Project Necromancer is keeping everyone on the lookout for “M-Counts,” and Palpatine himself is very interested in the goings-on here. M-Counts are almost definitely midichlorians, the intelligent microscopic organisms that the prequel trilogy announced live in Jedi blood and give them the force. And it looks like Nala-Se may have given Omega a few midichlorians during the cloning process.
Which adds up. Omega is a bit too lucky, a bit too good at talking people into things and making friends, and has a natural way with animals. A natural and unconscious connection to the force would make a lot of sense for her.
And we can’t forget that Mount Tantiss in Legends is where Palpatine and later Grand Admiral Thrawn kept a secret cloning facility.
Project Necromancer is more than likely a contingency plan for Palpatine, should he die, where an exact, also Force-sensitive replica can step in. Hence Snoke, a few years down the line.
Omega and Crosshair (and Batcher)
But this episode primarily followed Omega and Crosshair, and after a quick visit with Hemlock, we’re back to them… crashlanding and abandoning their shuttle. They know they have to distance themselves from the craft because Imperials will be tracking it very soon, and try to find transport in the nearest settlement. Only, without chain code, buying anything is impossible and without any money to their name bribery is difficult.
But not impossible.
After telling Crosshair that he’s not allowed to hurt anybody Omega finds the seediest bar and starts card-sharking for money. It goes pretty well until local law enforcement shows up and starts demanding a little off the top in “fines.”
Eventually, this culminates in the Imperials having Omega and Crosshair figured out and cornered, so Omega agrees that Crosshair should do what he does best, and they manage to escape on yet another stolen ship. This one with much less damage.
Last week we saw a little of Wrecker and Hunter looking exhaustively for clues to Omega’s location. It was clear that they were narrowing it down bit by bit and had been at it for some time. And we saw between Omega’s hair growth and the tally marks on her wall, that it’s been at least a few months.
So when she confidently tells Crosshair in this episode that she’s already sent them an encrypted message with a rendezvous location, Crosshair is dubious. He points out that it’s been months, they may not be looking for her- they may not even be alive. But she all but ignores him, and is proven right when she lands their stolen ship next to Clone Force 99’s.
The reunion between Omega and her brothers is warm and emotional and exactly what we wanted after season two’s finale. But tensions skyrocket immediately when Crosshair emerges from the shuttle.
And then the episode ends.
I can’t imagine them leaving him behind- even if he may deserve it after some of what he pulled in the previous seasons- but the climb to being a trusted member of the family again will be a steep one.
But hey, Omeag has a dog now!
May the Force be with you, adventurers!