Warhammer 40K: Dark Angels New Combat Patrol Pricing Breakdown

The Dark Angels have a new Combat Patrol coming with some classic units. We know the price point. What deal are we getting with this one?
In case you missed it there’s a new Dark Angel Combat Patrol right around the corner. Games Workshop has shown off the contents and we know the Combat Patrol price point is $160. With all those factors it’s time to do some basic math and figure out what sort of savings we’re getting with this boxed set.
Dark Angels Combat Patrol
Captain in Gravis armour = $40
5x Hellblasters = $30 (Half Squad)
2x Dark Angel Upgrade Sprues and 3x Decal Sheets = $30*
Total Individual MSRP = $220
Total Savings = $60
*We’re basing these upgrade Sprues off the older upgrade sprues that sold for $15 each. The ones included in this box are NOT the same as the new one also coming out this weekend:
Not the same Upgrade Sprues included with the Combat Patrol!
With the inclusion of the Dark Angel upgrade sprues also coming in the Combat Patrol you’re getting a good deal for Dark Angels Players. These extra bits really help to make your army come together thematically. That said, even if you were just looking to start a Space Marine army this box is basically giving you a half-squad of Hellblasters for free. You could probably trade or sell off the upgrade sprues if you didn’t need them, too.
Also, don’t forget that this Combat Patrol will also allow you to play new Combat Patrol games with the Dark Angels in the box. There’s a bunch of special rules for the Combat Patrol and you’ll be able to find all of those in Codex Supplement: Dark Angels initially. Later, GW will post them online and in the App, too.
If you’re looking to kickstart a Dark Angels force then this Combat Patrol is a strong core. It’s got a lot of infantry to start with and you’ll be able to expand in just about any direction with this seed of an army. It’s an okay deal for non-Dark Angels players who want to start a Space Marine force, too.
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