Warhammer 40K Next Week: Dark Angels Galore

It is a big week for gothic knights in powered armor as the Dark Angels get their codex, and a whole lot more. Take a look!
The Dark Angels keep many secrets. Including a few that they wish they’d kept a little bit more close to the Chapter, but hey, they’ll still kill you if you talk about it. At any rate, this secretive Chapter is at the heart of next week’s pre-orders, as the Dark Angels get their new codex and several accompanying miniatures.
So if you’re in the market for even more gothic marines, with swords and armor enough to make you wonder at first glance whether you’re playing a sci-fi or fantasy game, this is the pre-order week for you. Folks will be especially pleased to see Belial, Grand Master of the Deathwing out in the wild.
Dark Angels – Secrets, Lies, and Hunting down Heresy
First up, the brand new Codex Supplement: Dark Angels. This new book comes with rules for running Dark Angels, as the name suggests. This includes 16 unit datasheets, 3 detachments, and rules for putting together a Dark Angels Combat Patrol, along with all the lore, painting guides, and more you know and love.
Starting off the new miniatures, there’s the chief Interrogator-Chaplain of the Dark Angels, Asmodai, Master of Repentance. Asmodai is a confessor like you wouldn’t believe. Available with hood up or hood down heads, and enough weaponry to track the Fallen wherever they may be lurking, Asmodai is a gorgeous new mini.
Meanwhile, Belial, Grand Master of the Deathwing is all about leading the Chapter from the front. Wielding the Sword of Silence and a master-crafter storm bolter, Belial is a peerless warrior who will lead the Dark Angels to victory.
It wouldn’t be Dark Angels if they didn’t release some eerie new knights. The Inner Circle Companions operate in “eerie silence” and wield Calibanite greatswords to devastating effect.
The Deathwing Knights, on the other hand, carry heavy shields and sacred relic weapons into battle, ready to cleans the battlefields of the Fallen and worse. Whether you arm them with power weapons or maces of absolution, the Deathwing Knights are a devastating force.
You can also pick up a Deathwing Upgrade Sprue, which comes with a variety of components, from heads to, well, not toes, but shoulder pads and new weapons.
Finally, not a Dark Angel, but a Forge World resin kit coming out next week nonetheless, the Siege Breaker Consul. With thunder hammer and phosphex bombs, these Consuls are demo experts who can make short work of the mightiest foes in the age of the Horus Heresy.
All this, next week!