‘Warhammer: The Old World’: Why No US Open Events?
Why isn’t GW supporting any Warhammer: The Old World organized play in the US?
Warhammer: the Old World has been out for less than a month, and it already seems to be a hit. The game is getting a lot of buzz online, and communities are popping up around the world to play it. As a new/old game a lot of people have armies they can easily convert to play the game. Due to this, the game has gotten off to a roaring start, with a lot of people wanting to get into the hobby and play in any kind of event. It’s no wonder this is the case, as it’s the best game GW has made in a while. With all this hype for a brand-new game, it’s rather disappointing that GW doesn’t seem to be supporting it in North America as much as they could. Let’s take a look at what that means.
The US Opens
Early this week, GW announced the 2024 US Open series and World Championships of Warhammer. This circuit takes place across four major events hosted by GW in North America. These are the only real events that GW hosts in North America, and some of, if not the, biggest they host in the world. While 40K is the main star of these events, there are tournaments, narrative events, and other forms of competitive play for a host of systems. But not for Warhammer: The Old World. Purusing through the offerings and options at the four events, you will find that there are zero Old World events of any type.
Pretty much ever other current Games Workshop game gets some kind of support at at least some of the events. Even Legions Imperialis, a game that, due to delays and product shortages, basically no one can play, has Matched Play support here. And yet The Old World, the newest GW game, but also one with a massive baked-in devoted fan base doesn’t get anything? That’s a real head-scratcher.
The Model Issue
If I had to guess, the biggest issue GW faces with Old World events right now, and this may be why they haven’t announced some, comes down to models. Currently, there just aren’t a ton of models you can buy for the game. There is a limited selection of models for two armies released right now. You can also scrounge some things from AoS. That’s about it. That means while there are a lot of players a lot of them are used old models on the wrong bases, some kind of third party model, or playing legacy armies. All of these would be illegal at an official GW event. GW trying to police for a just-launched game could be seen as a thorny issue.
GW Could Find A Way
I don’t, however, think this is a big problem. Certainly, GW could find a way around it. After all, they are having an event at Warhammer World. They’ve clearly figured out a way to run such an event. If the models, and legacy armies are such a big issue, then don’t have a tournament. Do some kind of narrative event or something. No third party models obviously, but allow legacy-sized bases and legacy armies. Just for this year in some kind of non-competitive event. Just to do something. It’s really not that hard. I’m pretty sure GW could figure this out.
The Old World Needs Support
The fact is the Old World really needs support right now. The model issue is, in fact, a major reason why it does. There’s a lot of hype around the game, and a LOT of people are excited. But there are also a lot of people finding it hard to get into the game due to the lack of available models. This should get fixed over time but it is a problem for now. There is a real chance that the hype over the game will die down as people run into a wall trying to play it.
On top of that is the fact that Warhammer: Old World doesn’t exist in a vacuum. While it’s a new game it’s also the heir to the very old legacy of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. A lot of old WFB players are returning to get into the Old World. But these players tend to be a little wary. After all, they saw GW blow up their old game, a game some had played for decades. So there are real worries about the kind of support Old World will get and its longevity. Right now, to some people wanting to get into the game, it seems like all GW has done is release some old models with insufficient stock and call it a day.
Some Kind Of Event Would Be A Big Help
I really think some major event support would help with these issues. For those worried about the support the game will be getting an event, any event, would help show that is going to be supported. On the other hand being one of only a few games left out of the US Open doesn’t reassure people.
Having some kind of event would also help keep the hype for the game up. Giving players something to talk about, and build towards and play in will keep people in the game, even if they can’t get models right now. It would be something for the wider community to form around, and allow some standards to be set. All of this could help keep the game gaining momentum during what is likely its most vulnerable time.
Interestingly, there are also no Horus Heresy events at the US Open this year (though LI is supported). I do wonder if GW was worried that HH and Old World would cross over too much with AoS and 40K and split players between events. Maybe they are planning some kind of “Historical Warhammer” event with just 30K and The Old World? That would be pretty cool and give us old folks an event to hang out at! Whatever they do, I really hope that GW gets on the ball and has some kind of Warhammer: The Old World event in North America in 2024.
Let us know if you’d like to see an Old World event this year, down in the comments!