Warm Up With These Ice Cold Anime Accessories

It may be cold outside, but these anime accessories are keeping us warm- or at least entertained until it’s not so cold out anymore.
These last few weeks it’s been too darn cold everywhere. If you’re the sort of person who enjoys outdoor cold-weather sports, this time of year is perfect. But if you, like me, are more likely to run over a fellow snowboarding novice than gracefully make it down the hill, this may be the season to stay indoors with a warm drink. Either way, we have some anime accessories for you.
1. Goku Scarf

43Where I live some days a scarf is almost a necessity. Luckily, there are tons of choices out there and a lot of them are really fun. This Son Goku scarf incorporates lots of details and imagery from Dragonball but still manages to be a little bit subtle. In fact, at first glance, I thought this was one of the many sports-team-scarves I’ve seen over the years. That is until I actually looked at it for more than one second.
2. Akatsuki Balaclava

This ski-mask-style face cover doesn’t always have the best rep, but if you’ll be outdoors for long spans of time, they can be a lifesaver. Especially if you’re… y’know… skiing.
We’ve already established that I should stay off of snow-covered mountains, but some people are actually good at skiing and snowboarding and can do it for a long time. And if that’s you and you’re an Akatsuki fan, this may be a must-have for your next trip up—and then down—the mountain.
3. Yuri! On Ice Tissue Holder

This one’s got levels. It’s easy to get sick in the middle of winter. Between the cold temperatures and huddling inside together with other people to get sneezed on, it feels like most of us fall ill at least once every winter.
And now I have a toddler who’s bringing some runny nose or another home from daycare every week. Needless to say, there is always a need for tissues. And this tissue holder happens to be the dog from Yuri! On Ice. There aren’t a ton of animes about cold-weather sports, so we’re claiming YoI for winter lovers everywhere.
4. Puraore! Poster

Speaking of the few anime about winter sports, did you know there’s ice hockey anime? It’s really just the one with Puraore! and to be completely transparent, I haven’t seen this one. But it’s out there if you’re interested. Also existing is Dogsred by Golden Kamuy creator, Satoru Noda. I can say pretty confidently that Dogsred is fun, but it’s also not readily available on paper yet so I couldn’t link any merch for you. That said, go read it on Shonen Jump.
5. Deathnote Sweater

When it’s cold, sweaters can be one of the most cozy pieces of clothing in your closet. And this one happens to feature Misa and L from Deathnote. While some anime clothing is more subtle, this is decidedly not. But then, you’re not going for subtle. You’re going for warm with a side of “Ask me about my favorite show.”
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to buy raw meat to feed to our carnivorous plant from outer space. If we don’t feed him, he’ll turn on us.