Age of Sigmar: AdeptiCon 2024 – Spear of the Evenchosen Brings The Dawnbringers Series To An End

Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen is coming to end the Dawnbringer Crusades. This time Chaos strikes back!
The Twin-Tailed Crusade might have started off with a bang but it’s about to get counter-punched hard. Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen is on the march to war and she’s bringing the Varanguard with her.
Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen
Abraxia is wielding Gorbolga the Accurs’d and is riding Thanatorg, Spawn of Varanthax! She’s coming with a new Army of Renown featuring Varanguard as well.
The Swords of Chaos
Dawnbringers Book VI – Hounds of Chaos
Also coming with her is the end of the Dawnbringers Series with Hounds of Chaos.
Nexus Chaotica
This new terrain feature promises some new magical power for those foolish enough to try and harness them.