Age of Sigmar: AdeptiCon 2024 – Warcry & Underworlds Get Loads of New Miniatures

Games Workshop showed off a ton of awesome new miniatures coming to Age of Sigmar from Warcry and Underworlds!
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar – Warcry has a new boxed set coming. This one is Briar and Bone and pits an exiled Ossiarch Bonereapers warband against a twisted Sylvaneth warband.
Warcry – Briar and Bone
Sylvaneth Warband – Twistweald
Twistwood Revenants
Twistwood Dryads
Twistroot Wardens / Twistwood Spite-Revenants
Ossiarch Bonereapers – Teratic Cohorts
Kavalos Centari
Teratic Prowlers
Aviarch Harpies
Mortek Cykloptians
New “Terrain” Feature – Ravening Gnarloak
It’s Nagash and Alarielle battling it out once again. Who wins in this struggle of Life vs Death?
Warhammer: Underworlds – Wintermaw Announced
Not to be out done, Warhammer: Underworlds Wintermaw is coming. This new boxed set kicks off a new season and brings two new warbands to the table.
Brethren of the Bolt
These charged Sigmarite cultists can combo attacks to essentially taser their enemies and recharge each with inspiration!
The Skinnerkin
These Flesh-eater Court chefs are looking to snag the freshest of meat. They aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty when it comes to tenderizing their next feast.
There’s loads more reveals from AdeptiCon 2024!