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Age of Sigmar: New Win Rates Reveal The Outcome Of The Lastest Battlescroll Update

3 Minute Read
Mar 8 2024

Games Workshop dropped the latest win rate data for Age of Sigmar and we’re getting a sense of how the new Battlescroll Update has impacted the meta.

The new Battlescroll Update came out last month and had some targeted changes and some generic game-wide updates. Now, Games Workshop is revealing the win rate data they are using to gauge the success of the update. Here are the numbers:

Age of Sigmar Win Rates – March 2024

High Level Win Rate Analysis

Overall, there’s currently only one army outside of that 45%-55% Goldilocks zone of win rate that GW aims for. That army is the Cities of Sigmar and they are only 1% over the goal. So, at a very high level, this appears to be a success for the Battlescroll Updates in the current season. Having said that GW still thinks there’s some work to be done.

via Warhammer Community

“Ironjawz, Kruleboyz, Sylvaneth, Coalesced Seraphon, and Slaves to Darkness are all slightly trailing, so the studio have them earmarked for possible future changes.”

While there are some wins for the overall health, GW wants to also take the next step and start to refine some of the Internal Balance in these armies. All of the Battletomes don’t just feature one way to play these armies and some of those sub-factions are really struggling to make a dent. And if you dig even deeper there are Warscrolls within the books that are also basically ignored.


“Internal balance is important for the health of the game, and while most factions use the majority of their warscrolls, larger books like Cities of Sigmar, Stormcast Eternals, Slaves to Darkness, Seraphon, and Soulblight Gravelords are all targets for future tweaks to try and expand the inclusion rate of less common warscrolls for these factions. “

Games Workshop is also keeping a close eye on the inclusion of things like Universal Spells, Endless Spells, and Enhancements that are popular. Arcane Tome, Merciless Blizzard, and Hoarfrost are currently outside the target pick rate of 10% — however, a lot of that has to do with the current season. Turns out if you make the season a magic dominate, wizard-focused season then people will use Universal Spells (Merciless Blizzard and Hoarfrost) and want to make characters Wizards (Arcane Tome).

If you’re interested in learning more about the data and how GW is interpreting it then check out the full discussion from the GW Metawatch below:


We Want More Data

While I’m glad to see the win rates and that data I’d still like for GW to dig a little deeper and show us some more data on the Sub-Factions. I think pick rates and win rates for those are even more informative. I know they are looking at that Sub-Faction data (based on the video and also comments about Coalesced Seraphon underperforming).

I understand they don’t want to create a massive graphic for the win rates as that chart would be more than triple the current size. But it would be cool if there was some sort of drop down/collapsable thing that showed the factions overall win rate and then a breakdown by Sub-Faction.


In anycase, for the current season and the lastest Battlescroll Update, I think GW can put a mark in the win column. We’ll see if of the Dawnbringers can shake things up in the near future. Plus the Slaves of Darkness are basically getting an entirely new way to play them with the Darkoath coming soon.

Are you happy with the win rates for AoS or do you think the current season needs more tweaks?


Author: Adam Harrison
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