Age of Sigmar: The Game’s Top 5 Mounted Heroes

Just like Theoden or Gandalf, sometimes all you need to turn the battle is a great hero charging your enemies on a mount. Here’s the best from Age of Sigmar.
Greetings, Generals of the Realms! Monster riders are excellent generals for your army, but sometimes you need some good old-fashioned cavalry. A general and their faithful steed can turn the tide of battle. In game terms, they’re almost always more resource-efficient, allowing you to bring MORE warriors to bear against your enemy. In the vast AoS range, these five leaders stand out as brilliant leaders, gorgeous models, and great army investments.
First on the list is the Reaper of Nagash, Reikenor. Leading the Nighthaunt hordes into battle from the back of his spectral pegasus, he looks stunning as a centerpiece. But looks aren’t all Reikenor has; he can fell waves of enemies at a time with his massive scythe, or spell their doom with his magic. Should you need a little extra punch, he can douse one of his candles and use either the souls of his enemies or his own essence to empower his magic.
Astreia Solbright
On the other side of the alliance coin is Astreia Solbright, a Lord-Arcanum riding a bestial Dracoline. As imposing as she is as a warrior, with the ability to re-roll charges and the deadly power of her leonine mount, her true strength comes from her support. She can empower the armor of nearby Hammers of Sigmar, and once per turn, can even save one from the brink of death. Stormcasts are hard enough to kill as is, so with Astreia around, you’ll have a nigh-invincible army.
Chaos Lord on Karkadrak
Easily one of my favorite models in the entire Slaves to Darkness range, the Chaos Lord on Karkadrak is the perfect leader for a mounted Chaos force. While he lost a bit of his potency when the healing effect of the axe was removed, he’s still a deadly force multiplier and leader for your army. He does impact hits, he’s protected from mortal wounds, and he outspeeds your enemy in combat, so long as he charges. Best of all, he allows a unit of Knights or Chariots wholly within 12″ to skip ahead in line and fight immediately. If they both happened to charge the same target, it probably won’t be a target any longer.
Breaka-boss on Mirebrute Troggoth
While the Troggoths are TECHNICALLY monsters, this guy is sized just right to fit within the cavalry umbrella. It isn’t a loving Orruk Warclans partnership, though; the Breaka-boss is constantly prodding and tormenting his mount to drive it into a killing frenzy. This does damage the mount and would probably kill a lesser beast, but thankfully the brute can regenerate. That means the Breaka-boss can torment to his hearts content, confident is his mount’s ability to shake off the wound.
Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth
Another big guy that fits the cavalry mold, Belthanos is an incredible Sylvaneth piece. He is the old Kurnos model in almost every way, from his mighty hunting horn to his massive spear. He’s a huntmaster on the battlefield too, able to hang in both combat and the casting phase. If you want to summon the hunting packs of old, add this tree to your list.
Who’s your favorite?