Atomic Mass Games: AdeptiCon 2024 Reveals Star Wars: Shatterpoint & Legion

Atomic Mass Games held a special reveal stream at AdeptiCon 2024. Here’s all the awesome Star Wars: Shatterpoint and Legion reveals!
It was a busy weekend at AdeptiCon and Sunday had events happening as well as a new preview from AMG. Hopefully over the coming weeks we’ll get some better pictures of these slides but this is what we’ve got to work with. At least we’ve got a lot of confirmations and a new road map along with dates, too. Let’s get into the reveals!
Star Wars: Shatterpoint
The Today, The Rebellion Dies Squad Pack has been revealed before. This was our first look at the cards. Unfortunately, well, you can “see” the image quality of the cards above for yourself.
Here’s our first good look at Chewie and Han for Shatterpoint. Again, we’d go into more detail about the cards but…well, you can see the issue.
The Never Tell Me The Odds mission pack is also shown off. This is the third pack designed for the launch of the game. This pack has you taking big risks for big rewards!
Stronger Than Fear Squad Pack teasers show off Kanan and Zeb. They also pair nicely with…
Make The Impossible Possible Squad Pack teaser above. Chopper and Sabine Wren are reporting in July of 2024!
And of course, we’ve got Thrawn coming with the Not Accepting Surrenders Pack due out in August 2024.
Did you want your Bad Batch to be…bad? Well you’re going to get that option in Q4 of 2024 with Good Soliders Follow Orders Squad Pack. Note, it probably supposed to be “Soldiers” but I’m just going with what’s on the slide from the stream…
Oh hey, did you want to play all Mandalorians all the time? Your dreams may be coming true with the This Is The Way Squad Pack. And yes, if you play this particular squad you’re mandated to say that every time you use the ability.
Note: This is a new UNIT pack. All of these characters are secondary characters and are Bounty Hunters that do represent any play squad out of this box. These are options you can mix in to other Squads.
General Veers is coming and apparently he’s going to get to direct some “off the board” artillery at targets! Coming in Q4 2024.
Lando is keeping it classy with the Cloud City Admin look in the What Have We Here Squad Pack. Apparently, this squad is going to be able to swap sides so that could be quite interesting.
Jedi Master Kit Fisto and Jedi Nahdar Vebb. Coming in hot in Q1 2025!
And get ready for even more Lightsabers as the Wisdom of the Council Squad Pack will also be your first chance to run some Jedi Younglings into battle. ‘Cause you know how Star Wars loves it’s child soldiers…
And finally for Shatterpoint, we’ve got the Road Map below so you can see what/when stuff is slated to arrive.
Star Wars: Legion
Maybe it’s the darker background but these slides turned out waaaay better. Above we have the first close look at the Range Troopers cards. They are bringing in a whole lot of heavy weapons.
The Clone Republic Commands are coming in hot with their Katarn Pattern Armor as well.
The Bad Batch Unit Expansion will be usable by both the Rebels and the Empire — but Omega will only show up with the Rebel side of the house.
The Rebel Sleeper Cell Unit pack is coming in Q4 2024. This might represent the Rebels you would have seen in action in Andor.
And to “keep the peace” we also have the Imperial Riot Control Squad. Those shock batons are for your own good!
The LM-432 Crab Droids were teased before but here we get a look at them painted.
We also have new Outer Rim Battles Terrain coming in Q1 2025. This set modular and there to give players more options when constructing a board.
The Aqua Droids are coming and they are larger than you might think. Not only did the size surprise the folks at AMG but they will probably shock folks once they see them in person.
ARF Trooper Unit is also coming to the game in Q1 2025. Get those clone problems solved with…more ARF Troopers! And don’t forget the “generic” Jedi Attachment you’ll be able to include, too.
During the stream Will Shick went into the big project they have been working on for Star Wars: Legion in that they have been moving older sculpts over to the new Hard Plastics and updated sculpts. Here’s a few of the new updates coming:
I’m glad that AMG is redoing many of these sculpts in Hard Plastic. That should help keep the details and crisp lines for years to come!
That was all for Star Wars from AMG. You can see the dates on all the images and also the road maps to confirm the projected release schedule, too. It’s a good time to be a fan of Shatterpoint and Legion!