D&D: Five of the Best 4th Level Spells

Now we’re getting somewhere. Here’s a look at some of the best 4th-level spells in D&D. This is where you start to shake the world.
There’s a kind of cruel irony to D&D games, by and large. Around the time you just start to be powerful enough to take on mighty challenges and quests and stories that feel interesting—you know, the sort of “go beyond just killing a bunch of goblins or higher level goblins” that will take you months or years to explore—most games come crashing to a halt.
Data repeatedly shows that most players never make it past 10th. And even making it past 7th level is something only around 60% or so of players manage to do. This is a shame, because, at 7th level, you get 4th-level spells. And 4th-level spells are where it’s at. This is the level where the game really opens up.
And here are some of the best 4th-level spells, the ones worth sticking it out for.
Polymorph is easily one of the best 4th-level spells in the game. It can change the course of a whole fight, and it’s a spell that appears on the lists of multiple casters. Contrary to what you might think, the spell isn’t best used when turning enemies into something harmless, like bunnies, but rather, it’s best used to give your Fighter (or anyone else) an emergency injection of 157 hit points. By transforming them into a giant ape.
A giant ape, which does 3d10 + 6 damage and has a 10-foot range.
The point is, Polymorph is there to transform your allies into their best selves. Whether that’s a giant ape, a tyrannosaurus rex, or any of the other terrifying forms you can pick, is up to you. At least until One D&D comes along and sucks all the fun and identity out of the spell.
Find Greater Steed
One of the more underrated 4th-level spells, Find Greater Steed appears on very few lists. In fact, typically only Paladins can get it, though there are a few ways around that. And it’s almost always worth the effort. Because this spell basically permanently adds a griffon, pegasus, peryton, dire wolf, rhinoceros, or saber-toothed tiger to your party.
Not only that, but it can speak. And act independently from you in combat. Not only is it a numbers advantage, but a greater steed can also give you flight, trip attacks, or any number of other cool abilities to call upon in a fight.
Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere
Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere is as hilarious as it is effective. It’s a spell that encloses a target, willing or otherwise, in a giant magical hamster ball. While so enclosed, the creature is immune to all damage and can’t be affected by effects originating outside of the sphere. But a creature inside the sphere can’t affect the outside either.
Meaning you can either contain a dangerous foe or use it to save an ally. It’s like Banishment but better because you have a little more flexibility.
Dimension Door
Dimension Door is one of the best 4th-level spells because all it takes is a single word. And you can teleport anywhere within 500 feet. That gets you out of any fight. Into any fortress, no matter how locked down. You can bring along one more creature your size or smaller with you (as long as they’re willing). It’s a get out of jail free, or a get into trouble card.
Evard’s Black Tentacles
Evard’s Black Tentacles holds its own in the list of best 4th-level spells, because of how mean it can be. Creatures caught in the 20-foot square (which is difficult terrain) must save or be restrained and take 3d6 bludgeoning damage. And at the start of each restrained creature’s turn, they take 3d6 more damage.
It takes a creature’s whole action to make a Strength or Dexterity check, which means you can impose disadvantage on this, and it’s going to be harder than a save, as they can’t add their proficiency bonus. Knock them prone, and they may not even be able to escape the area.
What are your picks for best 4th-level spells?