‘Dragon’s Dogma 2’ Developers Set Ambitious Patch Plan

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is the best “mixed reviews” title on Steam right now. And the developers’ new plan may well fix much of that!
Dragon’s Dogma 2 has been opening people’s eyes to the sheer, wild possibilities of games when you take some risks and big swings. It’s also been a bit mired in performance issues, critiques of its microtransactions, and, of course, it makes some things hard that don’t feel like they have to be.
Capcom revealed new planned updates for Dragon’s Dogma 2 earlier today. The updates include some facets that are practically every day for other games, like the addition of the option to just “start a new game” when you already have some saved data present. Which you just can’t do without mods right now.
However, that will eventually change. As will the starting number of a much-sought-after item. Let’s take a look.
Capcom Reveals Dragon’s Dogma 2 Update Plan
On Twitter, the official Dragon’s Dogma 2 account made an announcement revealing several planned updates:
To all Dragon’s Dogma 2 players! We’re planning to release patches including the following updates and fixes in the near future, and will release them as soon as they are ready for distribution on each platform.
Thank you for your patience and support!
And this announcement comes none too soon. Over the past weekend, Dragon’s Dogma 2 wavered between “mixed reviews” and “mostly negative” on Steam. So much so that the developers responded late last Friday to many steam complaints. Chief among them were performance issues, but one of the biggest critiques of the game was the fact that it seemed like you would have to pay to buy one of the game’s character-editing items, which allow you to edit your character after the fact.
Or that you couldn’t start a new game if save data was already present. This is a difficult thing to fix if you want to start a new playthrough or try a new class, but developers have heard the feedback.
Earn vs Buy
While previously you could earn the game’s “Art of Metamorphosis” item through play, as well as any of the items in the microtransaction store, it wasn’t necessarily apparent, as Capcom made clear in their response:
All the items listed below can be obtained in-game or as paid DLC items.
- Art of Metamorphosis – Character Editor
- Ambivalent Rift Incense – Change Pawn Inclinations
- Portcrystal – Warp Location Marker
- Wakestone – Restore the dead to life!
- 500 Rift Crystals / 1500 Rift Crystals / 2500 Rift Crystals – Points to Spend Beyond the Rift
- Makeshift Gaol Key – Escape from gaol!
- Harpysnare Smoke Beacons – Harpy Lure Item

Soon, though, players will not have to worry too much about the Art of Metamorphosis, as the amount available in the Pawn Guilds will be raised to 99. So you won’t have to worry about grinding one of those out, at least. This, plus a number of performance-addressing fixes, should hopefully take the game out of Mixed Review territory, where it can reach a wider audience.
Because the game is fantastic. If you haven’t played it, maybe give them a week or two to fix some of the issues and balance things a little bit, but it is one of the most expansive open-world games you’ll play. It feels like an open world done right.
Soon, we’ll be able to spend dozens of hours starting and restarting the game the way we were meant to.