Epic Encounters: ‘Rage of the Gnoll Warseeker’ – What Did They Feed This Gnoll?

It eats anything (and everything) it wants apparently. Rage of the Gnoll Warseeker seet puts the EPIC in Epic Encounters!
Yesterday I wrote reviewed the fantastic Savannah of the Gnoll Pack Epic Encounters box. You can read that here. But I also teased the next part in this Gnoll-themed quest chain. I was going to wait a bit longer to do this review but honestly I got too excited to wait. This is the coolest Gnoll ever and I really wanted to talk about it.
Oh yeah. Now THAT is an EPIC encounter!
Rage of the Gnoll Warseeker
Before we dive in here’s what you can expect inside:
- 1x Colossal Warseeker
- Double-sided Battlemap
- Encounter Booklet
- Token sheet
While it doesn’t have quite as much stuff as the Savannah Pack, it brings the BEEF with that Colossal miniature.
The tokens are perfect for some extra goons if you need them. The Battlemap is a great addition as it’s detailed enough that you can really picture what’s going on. Plus the squares are already drawn on so you can use it as a tactical Battlemap for this adventure (or really any other ones) and it’s double-sided. And again, the Encounter booklet is fantastic.
Not only does this booklet have plot hooks to add this as a part of any campaign, you can combine this with the previous box to have a cohesive storyline (if you so choose). You can run it right out of the box or get creative and add your own flavor to the adventure. Not only does this encounter have 3 different stat blocks with various abilities, there’s even tips on how to actually run the fight, too. As a GM myself, this is a handy resource and I keep talking them up because I believe these are that good.
I also wanted to mention the box itself has this handy plastic case for containing everything. There’s even a spot to place the tokens once you punch them out (it’s in the top right of the box pictured above). Now, let’s talk about this miniature!
Gnoll Warseeker ‘Miniature’
I guess we could call this a “miniature” but really this could be a statue in a display case. It’s a colossal-sized miniature afterall (using 5E as a size reference).
There’s really great detail on the model itself with all the fur and makeshift armor. I also like the details on the basing, too. It just make it all feel a lot more connected and part of the adventure when the base reflects the battlemap.
I could keep gushing about the details but I specifically wanted to call out the tail part. As you can see, I just popped it right into the spot. No glue required. You could glue it but again you can play with this sucker right out of the box! No hobby skills required.
Again, this makes a perfect pairing with the previous adventure and can be used as a “capstone” to that quest chain if you so choose do that. Personally, I would use that in a time crunch but if I had some more time to plan out a campaign, I’d definitely write this big bad in as part of it. Once I saw the miniature I knew I would want to throw this at a party. You may have tossed Gnolls at your friends before but have you ever had them fight a colossal Gnoll Warseeker? And after seeing the miniature, you can’t tell me you don’t want do just that!
The Savannah of the Gnoll Pack and Rage of the Gnoll Warseeker are both out now from Steamforged Games. Thanks again to them for sending us the review copies. And thanks from my future party that is going to get to battle these Gnolls!
Now THAT’S an Epic Encounter!