Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: The Game’s Top 5 Units, Missing Plastic Models

Goatboy here to talk all about Warhammer 40K’s missing plastic models. We’ve been waiting a LONG time on some of these!
I really wish we had seen some new unit stuff in the “GW showcase” a few days ago. While I like the single unit characters it does feel like these armies suffer by not having updated plastic units. It feels like GW is just leaving some money on the table with some of these popular units and I hope we see them show up soon. Let’s dive in.
5. All the Missing Aeldari Phoenix Lords and Aspect Warrior Units
I lumped all of these together as it just feels like a giant big miss for the last few editions. Each year, an Aeldari army jumps out and showcases some rules-awesome, minis-bad Aspect Warrior as one of the main meta units. A new player really can’t get some of the old units that easily, and it just seems a shame we don’t have all of them in glorious plastic. We don’t need them to show up in a Kill Team – they should be a new boxed set with their Exarch doing some kind of twirling dance of doom. I think we are missing three Aspect warriors in Fire Dragons, Warp Spiders, and Swooping Hawks. Then we are missing even more Phoenix Lords with Karandras, Fuegan, Baharroth, Asurmen, and the missing Warp Spider one. I mean – the Warp Spider minis are now THIRTY YEARS OLD! THIRTY!
4. T’au Empire Vespids
Wow, is this an old T’au unit? Thankfully, they are not really good right now, so new players don’t have to scramble to find them. I could see a cool update with this stealthy unit that floats around, shoots weird blasters, and feels way too Star Wars -y to not be a coincidence.
3. Ork Tank Bustas
I was really hoping we would see a new Tank Bustas unit in the boxed set for Orks this last weekend. A unit that feels ripe to update with super cool jumping Rokkit Hammer bros and awesome-looking missile launchers would be great. This is a unit that doesn’t fit into the Kill Team aspect either, and just feels like a loss in the grand scheme of Ork nonsense. They need something to fits in the spot of crazy explosive idiots who get too close, blow things up, and most likely kill themselves in the name of Gork or Mork.
2. Dark Angels Ezekiel
How lame is it that all your friends went to the Primaris party and you didn’t get invited? Were you bad at keeping secrets, or are you too lame for the Dark Angels inner circle? This model is pretty sweet, and a simple update would have been awesome. It just kills me a new CDex has him in it with his old model holding that sword like it’s the last fancy Stanley Cup at Target.
1. Nightbringer and The Deceiver
How were these two not updated when the new Necron codex came out? Instead, we lost the greatest couple in the universe and got a weird-looking teleport Overlord? Where are the updated C’Tan? Where is the updated base they should go on instead of the Terminator base they currently live on. You know how annoying this is when trying to screen out a 3” deep strike? This is something that should be fixed as I have seen so many awesome STL’s and designs out there. It is a shame to see the old teensy-weensy angry robed reaper on the tabletop, looking jealously at his enormous Void Dragon brother.
What other model did I miss? Is there something else sitting in resin or gasp pewter that feels like a no brainer to redo? Can we just get more plastic looking models that make the game look cool?