Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Top 5 Kits Chaos Space Marines Need

Goatboy here with the most important kits Chaos Space Marines desperately need – with that CSM release coming out soon.
These are CSM kits that are either really old, never had a non simplified kit, or just need something new. Thankfully the CSM Codex has most things done up in plastic goodness, but some of these could always us a glow up. How can you defeat the False Emperor when your model is old enough to vote? Let’s start at the top and go down from there. Some of these kits are alright but a lot of them need some more GW love thrown at them. Plus, they need an obviously more complicated sprue with tons of neat options and plastic options.
5. Chaos Space Marine Bikers
A unit that has been rumored to be getting an update, these models are extremely old daying back to the 3.5 CSM codex from 2002! With their arms outstretched, bolters that look weirdly ‘bolted’ on, and a rather ’40K mid-edition” dated design – these CSM Bikers need some love. I would love to see a much more aggressive styling set up with more spikes, more random pouches, and other fun nonsense. They currently have a pirate-like flavor to their rules and having evil Outriders just sounds neat. Give me three models with one of them being a dope Aspiring Champion to fulfill my hunger for new Chaos Models.
4. Venomcrawler
This unit sits in a weird place. It has the right vibe for a cut little Daemon Engine, and while it is a simple kit it could use an updated model. I would love to see ones with some different kinds of guns or power-specific updates to help it match up to the Death Guard, T-Sons, or World Eater engines. Let it get a close combat version with scary fangs, that is fast and terrifying. Let it get a long-range version that punishes the enemy and fits into a neat space within the army. Just let be a model that doesn’t always need to be built resting on some random masonry and other basing nonsense.
3. The Defiler
Wow, is this an old kit. It just looks weird and I can barely remember when it first came out, also back in the 3.5 CSM codex 22 years ago! Heck go look up what the old GW boxes looked like. Thw Defiler came out right after I quit playing 40K the first time and this model shows how old it is with its design. The weird attached tank turret top, the jazz hand like close combat weapon, and even just how everything is spaced weirded on the model. A modernized and updated design could be awesome especially when you look at how the Soul Grinder looks a lot better even if it is built off of the same parts as the Defiler.
2. Obliterators
The new kit is very nice, even though you can’t really “custom” build each part, and having a unit of four makes it look like you got a pair of twins. I would like to see a new kit with different weapon options to help differentiate the unit a bit more and allow for maybe a return of an old kit. The Mutilator never had a chance to shine and I think an update could be really awesome – especially if Vashtor becomes a thing in the new codex. Throw in some ability to create close-combat monster bombs and give Obliterators an updated set of guns, and you get a winning kit.
1. Huron Blackheart
This kit is so old! While ole Huron could end up being thrown to the wayside like some other armies Finecast models, this could be a great centerpiece model for a new boxed set. The Renegade/pirate theme is a strong one for the CSM armies that have waxed and waned across the editions. I think bringing this guy back with an updated kit, better weapons, and an extra wound makes for a great new mini. Throw in those new bikers, maybe some other Kill-team-like pirate stuff, and you have a sweet winning Red Corsairs CSM box set formula. I have seen some converted ones out there, so just having an updated kit with his little daemon doggy friend sounds cool.
There are a few stinky models out there that could use an update, and I wonder if when their books come out, they get the glow-up like other armies’ models.
What other kits would you want updated for CSM? Or heck any other bad guy army?