NASA, Yeah That One, Made Their Own RPG Campaign Full Of Tieflings and Science

Not content with conquering the moon, NASA has released their own tabletop RPG campaign for level 7-10 characters. Wild.
NASA, whom you might recognize from things like the Apollo program, Skylab, the Hubble Telescope, and those Mars Rovers whose Twitter accounts you started following in a wash of hope for the future (how’s that feeling working out for you these days, by the way?), has now expanded into a new frontier: tabletop roleplaying games.
This is perhaps as 2024 as it gets, and we’re only barely in March. But that’s right. NASA, you know, the ones who fought the Moon in 1969, made their own roleplaying game. And you can play it, like today even. What’s more, it looks really fun.
NASA’s RPG Adventure ‘The Lost Universe’
A few things first and foremost. Because it’s NASA, of course there’s a whole lot of using and learning science skills. But also, this is some of the coolest worldbuilding I’ve read in recent memory. It’s almost unfair for it to be this good. This is a NASA educational learning activity, ostensibly, and yet it’s also an amazing looking adventure.
It’s like when Barbie came out and was one of the best movies of the year despite, ostensibly, being a vehicle for a toy commercial, following in the footsteps of the LEGO Movie years prior. Looks like there is hope for humanity after all. At any rate, the adventure is 44-pages long, but here’s a quick overview:
The world of Exlaris is a rogue planet that was pulled free from its orbit, transforming it into a rogue planet. Yeah. I know. That’s where it STARTS. And then the Hubble Space Telescope from Earth goes missing, and it’s up to the brave adventurers who are some NASA researchers who get magically transported to Exlaris, to save the day.
There’s so much creativity unleashed here. This adventure is 44 pages long, and it’s not enough! Throughout the adventure are chances to do science in this fantasy planet, and all of it ends up teaching a fun little lesson in the cosmos along the way.
Best of all, it’s totally free. You can download it right now.
Download NASA’s RPG Adventure, The Lost Universe
So give The Lost Universe a try today and see if you can save the Hubble Telescope.