Star Wars: Shatterpoint – ‘Lead By Example Squad Pack’ Up Close And Personal
We got our hands on the new Lead By Example Squad Pack for Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Send in the Jedi and these Clones!
Atomic Mass Games has sent us a copy of the new Lead By Example Squad Pack and I took some time to assemble these miniatures. Let’s check them out and talk about some of these features of these sculpts.
Plo Koon and Padawan Ahsoka
Let’s start with the two “big stars” of this Squad Pack. Jedi Master Plo Koon and Padawan Ahsoka. Plo Koon is the Primary unit from this set and kind of where you’d start. This squad pack is neat because it does come with two secondary units with Padawan Ahsoka and Commander Wolffe (more on him below). This squad packs also represents a slightly earlier era in the Clone Wars where Ahsoka is still a Padawan studying under Plo Koon.
Sculpt-wise I really like what they’ve done with both these characters. Plo Koon is a bit more defensive in stance and has a simple and elegant flow to the model. He’s probably ready to deflect some enemy fire with an impenetrable defense. Ahsoka on the other hand has a very relaxed pose. Her guard is down but it’s almost like she’s toying with the enemy. You get the sense that she’s ready to flip that right hand out and slash away at the drop of a hat.
Commander Wolffe And Clones
As far as the Commander Wolffe goes, this model is rad. He’s diving through the air, blastin’ away at the enemy. It’s a very dynamic and action-packed pose. I appreciate that the sculptors created the pile of debris for him to dive across, too. The 104th Clones are clearly ready for battle and are ready to take some shots at the enemy as well.
On one other note, now that I have a few other Clone Trooper units from other Squad Packs, it’s worth noting that without a proper paint job it’s very hard to tell the standard Clone Troopers apart. That makes sense considering they are Clone Troopers, right? There’s really no distinct squad icons on these models to differentiate them from say the 212th Clone Troopers that came with General Kenobi — other than their poses.
I only bring that up because I feel like you could do some cool things with all the various Clone Trooper poses. I’m pretty sure that some crazy awesome hobbyist out there could create an awesome squad diorama with them all. Unfortunately, I am not that person. But I just think there’s a lot of potential there.
This Squad Pack also comes with all unit cards and rules you’d need to include them in your Star Wars: Shatterpoint games. Obviously, these characters are going to be a part of the Galactic Republic if you want to add them to your existing rosters. This pack is out and available in stores right now.
Now I kinda want to create an “All Clone Troopers” Support Unit list…but I don’t think you can actually do that without a Primary Character…