Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Moff Gideon Has A ‘Smug Determination’ With New Rules Preview

Moff Gideon was a scourge on Mandalore and it’s people. Now he’s joining Star Wars: Shatterpoint and he’s arrogant for a good reason.
There is no greater villain to the descendants of the Mandalorians than Moff Gideon. Not only did he play an important role in the downfall of their people, responsible for thousands of deaths, he also raided their ruins for legendary artifacts. One such artifact is the Darksaber which he now wields. He’s joining the tabletop in Star Wars: Shatterpoint and he’s ready to command.
Moff Gideon
“Gideon’s authority as Moff is considerable, and he manages to retain great power and influence even as the authority of the Galactic Empire crumbles. He is a longstanding military veteran of many bloody battles, possessing the arrogance and unshakeable will to perform any cruelties that will maintain his position.”
Kicking things off we have Moff Gideon’s ability Smug Determination which allows him and a fellow Galactic Empire unit to advance. It’s basic ability but super handy for getting units where they need to be. Following that up he has Long Live The Empire which also allows him to make a Galactic Empire Supporting Unit Reposition towards an Active objective. This may cause them some damage in the process but Moff Gideon cares little for the well being of his subordinates.
Assume That I Know Everything is really more of a way to block your opponent as it costs them additional Force tokens to replace a unit’s Order Card into reserve. And You Have Something I Want is his final ability. Not only does it provide allies with a bonus to melee dice when fighting over contested Active objectives, it also allows him to effective break ties and claim objectives.
His two combat stances are complementary to each other. One is more focused on ranged attacks (Self-Interest) while the other is more effective with the Darksaber (Burn Them Out). Both options offer some solid Expertise Charts and allow you to have solid defenses with Battle Armor. Depending on how you’re playing him both options are quite viable.
“Moff Gideon perfectly represents the terrifying authority of the Galactic Empire in his black battle armor, often joined by the equally formidable Death Troopers and Dark Troopers he had a hand in creating. Only Darth Vader is more frightening to behold when closing to attack, and few adversaries are sufficiently confident and well-armed like the Mandalorian to be able to hold their ground against him.”
If he’s bold enough to take on the Mandalorians and win then he’s got a reason to be so smug. Moff Gideon is coming to Star Wars: Shatterpoint in April and is currently available for pre-orders.
Don’t forget about those Death Trooper Escorts as well…