Warhammer 40K: Tau Codex First Looks – FTN

This is the nicest army release box for this edition to date. It comes with some amazing models, the data cards and host of brand new figures.
GW was kind enough to send us a box to review. There are some big changes here and you know people don’t like a lot of change right? Crisis Suits get an overhaul but they do get some cool new rules. Are more rules what is needed to offset the weapon options that used to appear in units? That utility is gone but not forgotten. Tau players will need to find it in other areas. They just might be able to though…
The close combat might of the Tau is gonna be… well, it’s gonna be possible but I’m not sure how mighty it is yet. One thing we do know for sure is that the Tau will be able to push a LOT of models to the middle of the table before the game even starts for real for not a lot of points. A ton of the game is played in the first couple of rounds and the Tau kind of have some tricks to totally lock the mid board objectives down while potentially threatening the entire table.
We also talk about the new Kroot Hunting Pack. These models are amazing. This box will certainly sell out so make sure and get the pre-orders in ASAP.
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