‘Warhammer: The Old World’- Five Reasons To Be Excited About The Dwarf Release

Dwarven Mountains Holds are next army coming for Warhammer: The Old World, and there is a lot to be excited with them.
While Orcs and Goblins might be coming out right now, and bringing a rad Journal with them, we are already looking towards the future. The Dwarfs are coming and bringing their grudges with them. The forge fires are relit and Dawi are on the march (moving a swift 6 inches of course). Today lets take a look at a few reasons I’m super excited for this release.
Everyone loves Slayers. Right now however they are a little lackluster in the Dwarf army. That all seems set to change. The Dwarf release is bringing a ton of Slayers with it. Not just classic “rank and file” Slayers, if there is such a thing, but other fun things. The Goblin-Hewer, Doomseekers and Ungrim Ironfist are all coming as well. Given the number of Slayer models I think we can make a reasonable guess that one of the Dwarf Armies of Infamy is going to be Slayer focused. With some new units and new rules they might once more take their rightful place!
2nd Army of Infamy
If the Journal is like the three we’ve already seen Dwarfs are going to get two Armies of Infamy. One is almost certainly Slayers. But what could the second be? Maybe something focused around engineers and warmachines, but you already get access to a ton and that’s not the most fun army. My other two best guesses are something along the lines of the High King’s host, with a lot of Hammers and elite units. On the other end of the spectrum a Ranger focused army, Bugmans Cart is coming back as well, could be a lot of fun. Either way it will be nice to see Dwarfs get more options.
Tons of Great Models
Rules aren’t everything. The release is also exciting just for a whole ton of great models coming back. Much like the Orc & Goblin release GW has really gone back into the archives and put out some great models. Tons of classic characters, and even stranger minis, are making a comeback. Not only does the release promise to buff Dwarfs, but it will be a real nostalgia trip for many players. Dwarfs are also getting brand new models with the new King/Thane kit which looks just fantastic. Both players and hobbyists should be really excited about this release.
New Mercs
One of the surprising announcements was the re-release of Prince Ulther and his Dragon Company. These guys date back to the 80s and haven’t had rules in ages. Seeing great old models like these come back is really a ton of fun. However, even better, they aren’t just models. The Dragon Company is getting rules, allowing them to be taken as Mercenaries in both Dwarf and Empire armies. In addition, their rules will come with the models and not in the journal. Now, this is a little weird as they are Made-to-Order, so I’m not sure how it’s going to work. But it’s very cool to see them rushing to expand the game outside of just the Arcane Journals. It’s also great to see more Mercenaries added in, getting us closer to a full Dogs of War army.
Fast Release Schedule
Finally, the announcement of Dwarfs makes me pretty excited because it means we are getting a fast release schedule. While we don’t know when they will come out, Orcs and Goblins are still a week and a half off, we can guess with in the next couple of months. GW normally doesn’t announce things that far ahead of time. That means we will have four of the nine core armies out by mid-year, and at this rate should have maybe eight, but most likely not all nine, out by the time the game is one year old. This is a pretty fast release schedule and shows that GW is serious about getting the game out and not just letting it lag around without releases. That’s really good to see in action.
Let us know what you are looking forward to from Dwarfs, down in the comments!