Warhammer: The Old World – Orc & Goblin Tribes Get Impetuous – Better Than Animosity?

We’re back with another look at the Orc & Goblin Tribes in the Old World with their Impetuous rule. It’s much better than Animosity!
Yesterday we got a look at the Trolls and their Stupidity rule. Personally, I’m not a fan of units that you have a good chance at them *not* getting to do the thing you need them to. Which is why I was glad to find out that the Animosity rule has been removed and replaced with Impetuous. To be fair, on my first reading of the WarCom article from yesterday, I think I was so blinded by my rage of the Stupidity rule that I completely missed that Animosity had been replaced. But is Impetuous any better? Yes. It’s not perfect, but it’s much better.
Impetuous Orcs and Goblins
It’s still a 50/50 shot of your Orc and Goblin units declaring a charge when you might not have wanted them to. However, it’s a lot less punishing vs Animosity. Even Games Workshop agrees:
“The number one thing to understand is that more or less throughout the Warhammer Fantasy Battles era, Orcs and Goblins suffered from Animosity. In Warhammer: The Old World, they do not – and there’s a very good reason for this. They are aggressive, and they want to get across the battlefield and get stuck in. Various iterations of Animosity in Warhammer Fantasy Battles rendered this army unplayable to a greater or lesser extent. When you’ve got a unit that refuses to move, instead shooting or even charging the nearest friendly unit – as they did in the fourth edition* – it’s not fun.”
I agree. It’s not fun when your units don’t do what you need them to do. Animosity really did hold the army back and I’m glad it’s gone. I’d personally rather just have Trolls cost more points instead of them getting Stupid as well…but that’s what I was talking about yesterday. Impetuous is better than Animosity. However, it’s still going to be frustrating when you have to roll those long bomb charges you didn’t want to. If you don’t like your armies to misbehave, I’d strongly suggest trying a different army out in The Old World.
More Orc and Goblin Rule Previews
Most of the Orc and Goblin units are in a Warband. That means you’ll get to add your Rank Bonus to your leadership modifier for most things. It also means that you’ll be able to re-roll those Charge Rolls. You just won’t get to use that modifier on Restraint tests. This is probably a good addition for the Orc and Goblin units. That re-roll for charges might make those forced Long Bomb charges a little less punishing.
The classic Orc Choppas are back. When you charge, you’ll get an additional point of Armour Piercing and also the ability to re-roll natural 1s to wound. Both of these are nice bonuses to have and will make your charges that much more deadly.
It just wouldn’t be an Orc army without a good WAAAGH! rule, right? This version gives you a re-roll to natural 1s to hit as well as a +1 bonus on your combat results. Combined with all the above rules and you’ve got a much more consistent unit that’s got a whole lot of re-rolls and bonuses going into combat!
And it wouldn’t be Goblins without Fanatics! Once again, these will be secretly place in your Night Goblin units. And once again, they will cause problems.
“Night Goblin Fanatics are deliberately very good. They’re more straightforward than they used to be – they don’t interrupt the game with that mid-move pause like they did in Warhammer Fantasy Battles. They won’t win you a game outright, and there are ways to deal with them, but they put people off charging. The new rules for releasing them play upon your opponent’s nerves a bit more, and that’s what makes them so good. They’re there for psychological warfare.”
Well that’s all the previews for now. I’m still not a fan of Stupidity or Impetuous. However, I’ll take them over Animosity any day.
The Green Tide is rising…