Age of Sigmar: New Darkoath Rules Give You Oaths To Fufil

The Darkoath Tribes are coming to Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Games Workshop has got new minis and new rules to showcase.
If you’ve ever wanted an army full of Conan the Barbarian the Darkoath is for you. The new sub-faction for Slaves to Darkness is on the way with a bunch of new miniatures collected in a new Army Box. Do you have the will to carry out your Oaths to the dark gods of chaos?
“The men and women of the Darkoath take the vows they make to their patrons very seriously because they know that their gods do not watch idly, and will reward them for fulfilling oaths.
Each Darkoath unit – apart from the gruesome Wilderfiend – has an oath on its warscroll. Complete the terms of this dark contract and the unit will receive a boon for the rest of the game. “
Pledge Your Darkoath
The first example oath we have is the Oath of the Marauder. It doesn’t seem too terribly hard to pull off as all you have to do is make a charge roll with an unmodified 7+ and complete the charge. At that point, they get a bonus to their rend and it lasts until the end of the battle.
Next, we have the Oath of the Warleader. This is another fairly simple one to activate. You just have to have your Character fight first in the combat phase. By doing so, all Mortal Darkoath units wholly within 12″ get to add 1 to their melee weapon attacks for the rest of the battle. I hope he hits hard and has enough staying power to stick around.
These are just two examples of the Darkoaths. But what happens when you fail to achieve these pledges? Well you get turned into a Wilderfiend! These abominations aren’t all bad though. You can take them into battle and they’ve got some nasty tricks to play.
“In battle, Wilderfiends Feed on Flesh, gaining one sacrifice point for each model (two for each DARKOATH) that dies within 12″. They can then use these to trigger a series of powerful abilities – hurling Warping Balefire at an enemy, conjuring a befuddling Mind Shroud that prevents enemy units from issuing or receiving commands, and more.”
Now, if you’re wondering how to get your hands on these rules there are some options. There’s the upcoming Darkoath Army Box that has them. The rules can also be found in the upcoming Dawnbringers book Hounds of Chaos, too. And finally, you’ll also be able to download them directly from Warhammer Community shortly after their release.
Little Late To The Party
As chaos player myself, I can’t help but feel these rules (while welcome) are a just a *tad* late to the edition. I understand that their rules are in the Dawnbringers book and they are part of that series. However, this being the last book in series, it’s also the capstone on the edition. This is it. The end of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition. I know that GW has said they are going to support the Dawnbringer armies/units in the next edition as well. I still feel like this sub-faction as presented isn’t going to get a whole lot of play time as it’s currently written.
The Darkoath rules seem neat but the edition is nearing it’s twilight as Summer is right around the corner. I seriously doubt this army is going to have any sort of an impact on the edition’s meta with the little time we have remaining. I would have been nice to see them come out back when the Slaves to Darkness updates rolled out. But hey, at least we’re getting them now instead of never.
Better late than never. And hopefully they will be good in 4th edition!