Battle-Worthy Bethesda Cosplays: ‘Fallout’, ‘Skyrim’, ‘Elder Scrolls’ & More

Chug your Nuka-Cola and take a look at some of the best cosplays from Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, Fallout, Doom, Dishonored, and more!
I’ve always loved video game movies. I love seeing how one art form blends into another and how a cinematic artist takes digital media and brings it to life in a new way. This is the kind of stuff I live for. The Fallout show has dropped, and I’m excited to see how it translates to the screen.
Bethesda’s most popular properties keep pumping out new content. With the ever-growing call for videogame-to-movie exchanges, there’s a lot to look forward to. But instead of looking forward, today, we’re looking back. Way back into the vault to reveal some of the coolest Bethesda cosplays.
Fallout‘s Piper by Ver1sa
Images by Kira
Once again a cosplay collaboration that pops RIGHT off of the screen and requires a double-take. Surely that’s a still from the game and not a Cosplayer image? NOPE. This is the real deal, folks. Trade all of your Nuka caps in for a print of this.
“Look, I gotta go get settled in, but, um, stop by my office later. I have an idea for an article that you would be perfect for.“
“What I wouldn’t give for the biggest rolled-up newspaper…“
Fallout‘s Power Armor Cosplay by Crinitus Creations
This next one goes without saying—if SyFy says it’s awesome, you should definitely stop and ogle! Crinitus, also known as MrZ Cosplay, has expertise in 3D printing and other construction techniques. Check out the feature in SyFy with this amazing artist. He makes the power armor come to life, and it looks so heavy!
Doom Slayer Cosplay by Scrap Shop Props
Photo by Steamkittens
It’s obvious why this cosplay won awards. It’s gritty, dinged up, and completely realistic! The colors are vivid, and all the details really make this cosplay pop. The distressing to the armor is top-notch.
Skyrim‘s Dovakhiin Daedric cosplay by Zerios88
This cosplay just blows the doors off the place. If I didn’t know better, I’d think this was art, not a cosplayer in real life. It’s a stunning image of an immaculate set of armor. Haunting, textured, and an utter MOOD.
Dishonored‘s Emily Kaldwin Cosplay by Isilmarille
Corvo Attano Cosplay by WarPaw
Photo by kmitenkova
I can’t get enough of this photographer’s work. Every image shows attention to detail down to the smallest level. I love the use of lighting to draw shadows out, allowing only certain details to be shown. This could be a still from the game.
“It’s a funny thing, ambition. It can take one to sublime heights or harrowing depths. And sometimes they are one and the same.”
~Join us next week for more cosplay coverage~
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