D&D: Kobold Press Shows Off New Tales of the Valiant Mechanist Class

Kobold Press unveils the new Mechanist class for the upcoming Tales of the Valiant, Kobold’s own, black-flag-inspired take on 5E.
Tales of the Valiant, Kobold Press’ take on 5E D&D, is set to release sometime in May this year, offering folks a more customizable, crunchy version of the 5th Edition ruleset. More like a 5.75E, in the same way that Pathfinder 1E was a lot like 3.75E. If you know, you know.
If you don’t, well here’s a quick summary. The rules will feel familiar, but with a little more flexibility and extra levers worked in to play with. We’ve already seen how characters have different talents they can use as one angle for customizability. But there’s plenty more where that came from.
Including a list of all-new classes that you can opt to play. Today, Kobold unveiled the Mechanist, from the upcoming Tales of the Valiant Player’s Guide.
Tales of the Valiant – Mechanist Class Excerpt
As the name might lead you to believe, the Mechanist is a Tales of the Valiant take on the Alchemist. Only instead of just using your skill at tinkering to replicate spell effects, the Mechanist is all about creating and interacting with pieces of gear: magic weapons, pieces of armor, etc.
There are two core mechanics we really get to see here, the first is Shard of Creation: a magical item that you create and can either turn into a piece of gear or give yourself bardic inspiration. And then Augment, which is the “enhance magic items” ability. You’ll get to pick from a number of Augment Effects that you know, and there’s a handy table that details it:
And you can touch an item and grant it an ongoing, indefinite bonus. You can only have a few at a time, but they aren’t limited to your own person. And you can transform your Shard of Creation and Augment it as well, which is probably how you’re going to pull off a lot of interesting plays.
At any rate, look for Tales of the Valiant: Player’s Handbook coming this May!