Games Workshop Rumor Engine: ‘Fleur-De-Lys’

Games Workshop is teasing something with a certain gothic flair. We might be getting some Sororitas in our grimdark future.
Welcome to another Tuesday. It might be the day after Monday, but we like to think of it as Rumor Engine Day! Anyhow, it’s time to see what GW has in store for a future release and this one looks pretty obvious — but don’t let that lull you into a false sense of security.
“Some say the eyes are the window to the soul, but the only windows we care about are the kind that let you shoot through them without impediment if you’re within ▲ of where the Cover Line crosses the Obscuring Terrain. That’s a Kill Team reference by the way, and if you didn’t get it, play more Kill Team.”
Rumor Engine – Fleur-De-Lys
So clearly it’s a fleur-de-lys symbol that’s been cut out of a structure of some type. Could this be a part of a piece of terrain? Perhaps a scenic base on a new model? We don’t see a lot of these in the Age of Sigmar so it’s highly likely this is a 40k bit, too. And you know what that means…
The fleur-de-lys is kinda their thing, right? But again does this mean new Sisters of Battle models are on the way? What if this is part of a fortification that’s fallen? It looks like ruins or rubble after all…
The Sisters are know to keep their relics and artifacts of the fallen. I could easily see this as part of a base or model standing on or near this bit.
Honestly, at this point, I can’t unsee anything related to the Sisters of Battle from this Rumor Engine. I think I need a fresh set of eyes — that’s where you come in! If you’ve got any theories as to what this Rumor Engine is please share them with the rest of us in the comments.
It’s an ork warboss standing on the bones of a Adeptas Sororitas Temple…Man, that got dark.