Goatboy’s 40K Hot Mess: What GW is Doing With Unit Sizes

Today I want to talk about Warhammer 40K unit sizes and what GW is and should be doing with them in 10th Edition.
A Warhammer 40K unit’s size is such an interesting balance factor. We went from the past where each add-on to a unit was a carefully controlled set of points. Back then, finding the most efficient choice in total models per unit could make or break an army. We are now in a world where unit sizes are really governed by the actual boxes of minis available for purchase, and a very simple unit size option of 1 to 2 boxes to complete the unit.
It is interesting for sure. I like the new limitations and changes on how you build armies as it now allows for an easier “point” system. But it does leave some units in a weird place. You start to have units that either can’t “bulk up” or just become too expensive to really invest in. You get things that feel like they should be more “horde-like, but if they were, they might break the game’s balance.
I know the keyword Blast is one way to limit these things but it feels like that is a whole other damage rule-mechanic that could be too good as well. Heck I always thought Torrent options should be Blast as well ,but I think it might end up being too much. Torrent is something else to talk about in the future but let’s talk about unit sizes instead.
Standardize ALL 40K Unit Sizes to 1 or 2 Boxes
I think this is a simple one and something the game could use more of. I know a lot of this current game is band-aided to make sure players can utilize their old armies in the new 10th Edition. You can see this as an example with GSC, with their really insane unit sizes, and the fact they were always an expensive army to get working. I think for any new player, limiting units to just being “two” purchases to get the biggest-sized option would be the best solution.
Let SOME 40K Units Get Bigger
Chaos Daemon Battleline units make no sense to leave to 10 model options. We came from a game where they had the ability to go to 20+ models and to just force them to 10-man units means they are simply not usable. GW giving these units a bad save, bad toughness, and just not enough bodies means they will just never show up on the tabletop. Sure, you can use your Plaguebearers as a single choice in the backfield or have your Pink Horrors try to be a pain in the butt, but it just doesn’t make sense. These troops should be a horde-style option and all 120 daemonettes I have are very sad they can never show up fully in a game now.
Add Better Options for Double-Sized 40K Units
There are a ton of 3-6 man units showing up, and they all feel a bit weird. You don’t see a lot of “options” in there beyond the one leader and his “better” weapons. I would think being able to double up some of their weapons would be a cool little tweak to a ton of choices out there. You could see two Eightbound carrying double chain thingies to help let the unit do damage a bit better, for example. There are a TON of units that could take advantage of this change.
Stricter 40K Unit Options Based On Box Bits
This is a big one and for sure coming to all the armies when their codexes comes out. There is no way the old legacy choices are staying in the codex if you can’t make them in a CURRENT single box choice. This means all those Blood Angel Death Company Guys can’t carry power fists or other unit choices. If we are cleaning up unit sizes, we need to clean up unit choices too. So pay attention to the current GW box contents and prepare yourselves.
Do you miss the old days of balancing each unit choice to try and complete your army or is it better the new way? Is it just all a ruse to allow for a much easier army building for newbies?