Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Metawatch April 2024 – What Should You Expect On the Tabletop

Goatboy here, and boy is the 40K 10th Edition Meta in flux. There’s a lot happening out there, and where’s what you can expect on the tabletop.
It is a pretty interesting time in 40K 10th Edition, with a lot of different armies winning events. It feels like a good thing and we are really starting to see better players winning with whatever lists they want. Not everything is perfect, but for the most part it feels like you can invest in a list you like and have some success with it. I would call that 40K meta-balance!
Which is pretty cool and I am trying to remember the last time it felt this way. Anytime you have a game with at ton of options there will always be one or two options that are just better. Just like Magic has better decks for certain game types – 40K does too. Warhammer just has a lot harder “build” process than MTG – especially as paint/army quality is starting to get put under a microscope by GW and te major events.
Get Ready for Unit Rules Based on the Kits
Right now it really is – pick an army you like and if you build stuff based on what you have available in the box it should be ok to play even when the new codex comes out. This is the bigget thing I think any new player should be looking at when picking things. Just look at how T’au shifted how regular Crisis suits are loaded out and think about all those other armies with “crazy” load-outs that take a 3d printer or a very determined player to get all those pieces. Their days are probably numbered.
Predetermined Terrain is In!
Heck a lot of the meta is determined by how your event is throwing terrain on the tabletop. A few bigger events have shifted their style of terrain, and it really seems like predetermined terrain is going to be the future of events. I am all for that! Predetermined terrain lets you get to the table, know how you need to deploy, and quickly get started in the game. This feels like a no brainer type of decision. Even giving players another 10 minutes to play should usually help get to a satisfying end of the game. Or at least get your 3-4 turns.
Today’s Hot 40K Armies
Dakka Dakka Armies
I think Meta-wise right now we have a few different army styles that are starting to show up. We have got the “blast you off the face of the Earth” with Storm Raven Marine builds, no LOS shooting Imperial Guard options, and even Chaos Knight War Doggies. Those appear to be the most popular choices for lists at the moment, and are very dependent on terrain set-up and army area choices. If you have a very aggressive-style environment with assault options and light terrain – these builds can just remove those armies quickly and easily as they score points. Praying for your armor saves to hit is one of the few ways to mitigate this, but it isn’t the best strategy.
Pressure Armies
On the other side of it currently is again the “pressure” builds with Orks, World Eaters, and Space Wolf Thunder Bros list showing up more and more. If the tabletop is pretty dense with terrain, has middle board terrain set up to hide, and ability to hide well on the first turn means these lists could do wonders. Of course, they currently don’t like Adeptus Custodes and their bricks of doom, but these armies can do a lot. This used to be where CSM sort of fit in, and hopefully the Chaos Marines get to come back a bit with a new codex but will see.
Survivor Armies
You also have some “tough-it-out” builds that try to survive the damage, utilize some tricks to get around, and then surgically wreck you as needed. Big Fat Chaos Daemons and the Khorne variant fall into this as they try to utilize terrain, teleports, and pick their battles better. Some of the Necron builds showing up also have this too. As players are getting used to C’Tans the newer Necron lists more go wide with Canoptek Court showing up more and more.
It is an interesting time right now in the 40K 10th Edition Meta, as we wait on the new armies to show up, new rules, and just new options in this kinda balanced meta.
Are we going to be worried if something new comes out and wrecks stuff? Is it time to just quickly speed paint the newest hotness and win a golden ticket? Do we just wait to see and just play the game for fun?
Do you think the game is really balanced right now?