Hit the Vault For a Nuka-Cola in This ‘Fallout’ Closet Cosplay

Greetings, Vault Dweller; it’s dangerous out there! Grab your loyal Dogmeat and welcome to the Fallout Cosplay Zone!
I freely admit that I have never played a Fallout game. I’ve never cared much for the post-apocalyptic vibe, I prefer the fantastical in my fiction. That said, I’ve been AWARE of the Fallout series since its inception. Several folks in my friend groups have played the games and swear by them. I once had a friend describe the backstory and lore of the world to me, and I’ll admit—I was intrigued. Knowing that a TV adaptation is upcoming and that the Bethesda game creators both acknowledge it as canon and wish they’d come up with some of the plot twists.

Let’s put together a tribute to the iconic Vault Dweller costume and get ready to fight ghouls. The blue and yellow suit is vivid and recognizable and pays tribute to the underlying 1950s vibe that set the aesthetic.
Fallout Closet Cosplay: The Coveralls
So many great cosplays start from a simple coverall. They come in every color imaginable, keep you warm and from getting dirty, and they’re great to move in. The Vault Dweller blue is more vibrant than this set, but you can always go for muted colors, or pick a brighter blue for yourself.
There’s a plethora of options for fitted suits if that’s more your speed. A tracksuit or jumpsuit like this will look great in photos. It will fit neatly underneath any other layers and accessories.
Fallout Closet Cosplay: The Tactical Belt
If you go for one accessory, a belt is a great choice. This one has plenty of pockets for things like phones and keys (yay form AND function!). It gives just the right touch for a rugged adventurer.
Fallout Closet Cosplay: The Hardhat
The hat really ties the room together, does it not? You’ll always be protected in a hard hat!
Fallout Closet Cosplay: Nuka-Cola
This one is just for the giggles. If you’re hosting a watch party for Fallout, this is the perfect item to bring for sharing. Thematic and, I hear, quite tasty.
Fallout Closet Cosplay: Vault Boy
What Fallout theme would be complete without your very own Vault Boy?!
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~Join us next week for more cosplay coverage~
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