Horus Heresy: ‘Little’ Horus Aximand Coming To The Tabletop

“Little Horus” is coming to the Horus Heresy. Horus Aximand joins in and takes right after his father.
As you’re probably well aware the Adeptus Astartes all have the geneseeds of their Primarchs implanted in them. Most of these genetically modified super soldiers take on similar traits of their forefather in more abstract ways. However, for Horus Aximand, he actually had a striking resemblance to Horus. Was this just a random happenstance or was this due to the melding of this genes? Whatever the case, due to his looks, he was dubbed “Little Horus” by his peers.
Overtime, he became the Captain of the 5th Company and now he’s getting a new miniature befitting his stature.
“Despite his epithet, Little Horus is far from small – a consummate leader who looks after his troops, one who fell uneasily into treachery. He just happens to look an awful lot like his gene-sire, though he needed to have his handsome face regrafted after an attack by Hibou Khan of the White Scars nearly brought him down at Dwell.”
Little Horus Aximand
We’re not just getting a look at the miniature, we’re also getting a teaser of his rules.
In essence, this allows Little Horus to ignore the first time he’s brought down to 0 wounds. This doesn’t have an effect against attacks that cause a casualty without inflicting wounds — or Instant Death special rule weapons. So that’s one way around his will to survive.
All that fighting and betrayal has also left some scars on him mentally, too. But you might be able to take advantage of them if Garviel Loken is on the table…
You can score some bonus VP is Horus is around and battling with Garviel Loken. Seem like a fun, thematic showdown for sure.
Okay…but here’s the real thing everyone actually wants to know: does he really look like Horus!?
Let us know what you think in the comments!
I mean he certainly has the same haircut as his father…