Kickstarter’s Best Gaming Tables are Back and More

Come check out this week’s batch of crowdfunding and Kickstarter highlights – including board games, RPGs, and STLs!
Millennium Blades… Again!
Collectible card games are great! Games like Magic or Yu-Gi-Oh! are fun, dynamic, and exciting. But they require a lot of time, work, and money to really get invested. Still, half the fun of those games is building your deck. That’s where Millennium Blades comes in.
It’s a game about playing collectible card games. Within the game, players build their decks, use their money to “crack open boosters”, and use those decks to play in tournaments. It’s a fun, mind-bending way of looking at CCGs that has a cool meta-view of the whole genre.
Millennium Blades is a CCG-Simulator — A game in which you play as a group of friends who play the fictional CCG “Millennium Blades”.
In this game you will build decks, play the meta, acquire valuable collections, crack open random boosters, and compete in tournaments for prizes and fame. The game takes you from Starter Deck to Regionals in about 2-3 hours.
Multiple games can also be chained together to form a Campaign, going from Regionals to Nationals in game 2 and from Nationals to Worlds in game 3, with each game introducing ever more powerful cards and higher stakes, but also resetting the power of the game so that each player has a fair chance to win each ‘season’ of the campaign.
Furthest Night – Beyond the Outer Darkness
Planar travel has always been my absolute favorite part of D&D, hands down. Since 3rd edition, I bought every planar book I could get my hands on. And every campaign I DM has some planar elements. I can’t help it. Furthest Night adds a new plane called Obsidia, a plane beyond the Outer Darkness. Consider my interest piqued.
Within the pages Of this lavishly illustrated tome, you will find all that is needed to add an entire new plane of existence to your fantasy campaigns. It is called ‘Obsidia’ by those who live there; but to everyone else it is Furthest Night – a place beyond the Outer Darkness.
Furthest Night is a plane where the Powers of Darkness rule everything under a sky blighted by the dire magic of the Fellmantle – a divinely created darkness that feeds on light itself. The gods walk here, and may even interact with player characters as they progress in power and influence – especially if you are playing one of the Six new classes designed for Furthest Night.
The Modular Table by Wyrmwood
Games are important. They bring us joy, they remove our stress, and create bonds with friends that last a lifetime. Unfortunately, our feeble human bodies require sustenance beyond entertainment to survive. But furniture is expensive and bulky. Setting up a board game on the dinner table means no dinner, and setting up dinner on the game table means no games. ¿Porque no los dos?
Since its release in 2020, the Wyrmwood Modular Table has become the most popular gaming table of all time, offering a winning combination of thoughtful design, innovative features and top-notch craftsmanship at an unbeatable price.
Clients love our spill-resistant dining surface and our intuitive magnetic accessory rail, and take pride in owning heirloom furniture designed and manufactured at our Pennsylvania and Massachusetts facilities. The wide variety of sizes and woods available means there’s a Modular Table that will fit every taste and every home.
World of Pratheron: Battle of Eldrino’s Deep 3
I can always appreciate an STL campaign that has a variety of models. Not just terrain or just buildings, but a combination of both that fit a collective theme. That’s what Battle of Eldrino’s Deep 3 is. A set of fortifications, hills, battlements, and some rubble that are perfect for any battle scene.
This campaign shows the scars of a fierce battle that took place decades ago!
The great dragon Eldric’Ohr inflicted a mortal wound on the brother of the fallen dragon Raptork, and won the battle! See the traces of that great battle!This model is highly detailed and can be printed support free. All pieces of this model were test printed and are ready for you to print. paint and play. Below are some painted and render images of the model.
Gardens in Ynn
Inspired by Though the Looking Glass, Narnia, and Studio Ghibli films (the whimsical ones, not ones like Grave of the Fireflies), Gardens of Ynn is a system-agnostic adventure where players delve deeper and deeper into a labyrinthian garden maze. It’s designed for a zero-prep session, ready to jump in and play at a moment’s notice.
Find a wall covered in ivy, vines, moss, or similar, and clear that vegetation away. Using chalk and charcoal draw a realistic door (with keyhole, hinges and doorknob) on the surface below. Write upon the door: “Ynn, by way of [the current location]”. Leave, so the drawing is no longer visible, and on return the drawing will be replaced by a real door.
When it is opened, the Gardens of Ynn will be on the other side: infinite, overgrown, extradimensional. This realm is full of magic and treasure, worthy of exploration and plunder by sellswords, occultists and adventures. The doorway remains there for a full day, after which it fades away as if it never existed, leaving anybody still on the other side stranded.