Make Beautiful Music With These Bard Accessories

Bards are known for being a little extra. So get your bard these D&D accessories that are also just a little bit extra.
Bards are the jacks of all trades of D&D. They’re decent at most things while not usually being the best at anything. But they are always so much fun to play. If you’re currently playing a bard, think a high charisma character may be in your future, or even just have a bard in your party right now, maybe these table tools will help give them a little extra bardic inspiration.
1. The Bard Box

We often have a lot of stuff to keep organized, together, and safe during- and more importantly, between- our D&D sessions. Between dice, special dice, your character’s specific dice, minis, spell cards, a pen that you say you’ll take notes with but really we’re doodling. It’s a lot of stuff. Keep at least some of it together with a box fit for a bard. The only thing that definitely won’t fit is your instrument… unless you play the kazoo. Actually, a kazoo playing bard would be very funny.
2. This Mean Bard Shirt

Listen, this bard shirt, I know my current dice aren’t cursed, and that new dice won’t make my rolls better. But it’s easier to blame the dice than my own rotten luck! Vicious Mockery is a favorite spell among bards. And it should be. I love a spell that roasts somebody so hard it causes psychic damage.
3. Musical Dice

What’s more perfect for a bard than dice with musical notes on them? I think the music motif is really pretty, and they definitely add a little class to your dice roll. Plus, something about this design makes me think that my bard really is playing some music in the middle of this battle. Is it useful? We’re letting the dice decide!
4. Bard Dice Bag

We’re right back to Vicious Mockery because it’s a fav. Whether you have one set of dice or twenty, you’ll need a place to store them. And this large canvas zipper bag is pretty much perfect. It’s being marketed as a makeup or toiletries organizer, and with its size that’s definitely a good use. But the very D&D slogan on the side tells me that this is actually meant to hold all of your dice and minis between sessions.
5. More Bard Dice

If dice with a generally musical or bardish look aren’t bardy enough for you, how about dice that look like an entire band of instruments? Drums, lutes, torches, and finesse weapons are all ready to help you do some damage or play a beautiful song. Which is up to you. Will you be tempted to play with these between turns? I know I would be.
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to pay for some legal trouble our bard got us into. You know bards.