One Day Left In The Fallout RPG Sale At Modiphius

Looking for more Fallout now that you’ve finished binging the TV shows? Modiphius’ Fallout RPG is on sale until tomorrow!
This is just a quick one for those looking to wander the Wasteland a little more. Modiphius has most of its Fallout RPG titles on sale right now. However, rip if you were trying to get the core rulebook in a physical copy; more stock is coming soon.
But it is the perfect time to get into the game if you’re looking to give it a try. The Fallout RPG, if you have been considering it, is ensconced firmly in the Fallout 4 era of the series. There’s a lot of Commonwealth stuff in there, alongside a focus on crafting your own gear. You’ll have to deal with ghouls, of course. But, don’t worry Preston Garvey won’t come bother you every minute or so while you’re just trying to get out there and scavenge up some supplies.
Nor will you run into the Final Pam unless your Overseer wants to tempt fate. But you will, however, have a good time out and about in the Wasteland using Modiphius’ 2d20 system.
Fallout RPG Sale At Modiphius
There are many titles to choose from. If you’re looking to explore the game and just scratch the surface to see if it’s for you, you might try the starter set, which at press time had sold out of physical copies, but the PDF version was under $15. It comes with a starter adventure, quickstart rules, and pre-generated characters enough to jump you right into the Wasteland.
Unfortunately, the Fallout RPG Core Rulebook is still out of print, but more books are expected to be in stock starting in “Late May 2024.” So you can pre-order it now, grabbing it at a discount. Later, you’ll have the physical copy as well as a PDF that you can use right away. Modiphius, unlike Wizards of the Coast, isn’t run by cowardly, money-grubbing executives who are afraid to bundle a PDF along with their books.
Other great titles you might grab at a discount include the Winter of Atom Campaign book. This is a full-length RPG campaign that takes you into the heart of the Children of Atom faction. Along the way, you’ll meet some new factions that feel like they’re right out of New Vegas or Fallout 2, if you’re familiar with either of those titles. And if you aren’t, you should be. Those are some of the absolute pinnacle Fallout stories out there.
It’s not even part of the RPG deal. They’re just so good that even talking about them, I’ve gone to reinstall New Vegas and been delighted to discover that Fallout 2 is available on Steam. So. You have no excuse.