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Soon You Can Eat Your D&D Miniatures Thanks To Gummyquest – Kickstarting Now

3 Minute Read
Apr 8 2024

Have you ever wanted to devour those enemies after a near TPK? Now you can, safely, thanks to the delicious miniatures of Gummyquest.

Delicious in Dungeon doesn’t know what they’ve sparked. One incredible anime about what it must be like to eat monsters, and suddenly, the world is getting into putting monsters in their mouths, and not just in the Griffin McElroy way either.

Wizards of the Coast had a video about what it must be like to eat a Gelatinous Cube. There’s a whole Heroes’ Feast series of cookbooks where you can cook up your own D&D-themed recipes. The point is people want to eat the monsters.

Personally, I think it’s something that hearkens back to the pre-everyone-having-miniatures days when your battle map might be littered with gummy bears, skittles, and Cheez-its, as well as about twenty minutes spent trying to remember which ones were the goblins and which ones were the orcs.

Well, wonder no more. There’s a new Kickstarter in town. Enter Gummyquest, a Kickstarter on a mission to deliver beautifully sculpted, flavorful gummies to your tabletop. Packed with 25 never-before-seen flavors, Gummyquest blends D&D-style fantasy creatures with gummy bears, resulting in monsters you can eat.

It’s already made $300,000+ on Kickstarter.

Gummyquest – Edible Miniatures, Kickstarting Now

Countless adventurers have wondered about the taste of eating slimes, trolls, or dragons. Gummyquest invites you to embark on a flavor-filled quest to discover these tastes firsthand. Plunge tongue-first into a delicious fantasy world, where you’ll fight legendary battles using nothing but your taste buds.

Look, it’s exactly what it says on the tin. These are gummy creations that evoke the world’s most popular RPG in all the best ways. With purple, worm-shaped gummies and orange, “Owlberry” flavored gummies, you get the whole deal pretty quick.

But then just look at all that detail. Despite these being gummies, those details look crisp. Turns out, when you want to make miniatures, you just have to go to the folks who make miniatures. Just look at the wide net these folks have cast:

Our sculpting team includes people who fill shelves in every game store in America with miniatures from Dungeons & Dragons, Reaper Bones and Warp Miniatures. They helped create dynamically-sculpted gummies that capture the spirit of the adventurer, monster, dice or potion. Each gummy is a work of art!


On top of that, there’s the flavor aspect of it. Each one of these flavors has a fantasy twist, “from the lowliest skeleton to the most imposing dark lord.”

Whether you like your gummies sweet, sour, or hot, this set is sure to satisfy everyone’s palate. The campaign has already exceeded its stretch goals, raising more than ten times the amount it was hoping to raise. So now all that remains is to get in on the Kickstarter to await your spoils.

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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