The Bad Batch S3 E13 Breakdown: “Into the Breach” Shows Us How Far Omega Has Come

Everything is falling into place and the team is showing why they’re so good together as The Bad Batch comes to its final few episodes.
This week The Bad Batch had the same stressful energy as a perfectly timed heist. The last few episodes have moved at a glacial speed. But that means that everything has been purposeful, thoughtful, and meticulous. As we approach the final few episodes, we’re being reminded over and over that Clone Force 99 is the best of the best and just how far Omega has come as a character and a member of the team.
Spoiler Warning! If you haven’t watched this week’s episodes of The Bad Batch, read on at your own risk.
On Tatntiss
Omega is becoming reaccustomed to her new-old home in the Mount Tantiss clone labs. But this time it’s different.
Last time Crosshair and Nala Se were there with her, and while neither were in top form, they were both sounding boards and sources of information and help. They were the adults in Omega’s life and prior to that the rest of the Batch were Omega’s ‘adults’. But now she’s on her own. Omega doesn’t know if she can trust Dr. Karr- though we see her trying to feel it out—and all of the other kids in the vault are younger, less experienced, and more scared than Omega. Now she’s the one with the wisdom and experience. The Batch’s months of training and influence are about to be put to the test.
Another Breakout
She starts chatting with the other kids in the vault and is quickly shut down. They obviously want to open up, but the guards and scientists don’t like it when the kids get too chatty and chummy. So Omega proceeds with caution. But she’s soon won them over and is telling them about her breakout from Tatntiss with big promises of a repeat escape- this time with all of them in toe.
But to do this Omega needs to see what it looks like behind the walls of her cell, which means she’ll need the other kids to have her back and keep attention off of her. By the end of the episode, Omega seems confident that she knows how they’re getting out of there.
Which may just work out since the Batch are officially on their way.
And a Break-In
After extracting the former Admiral Rampart from a labor camp they need a ship and Echo arrives with an Imperial shuttle full of all of the supplies and clearance codes they could need. But Rampart still doesn’t know where Tantiss is, exactly. Ships go to a secure base orbiting Coruscant and have that information sent directly to their navigation computers, making people almost never directly knowledgeable in the location. So the Batch heads to the secure Coruscant orbiting base.
Disguising Rampart as an imperial captain who was never arrested in shame and themselves as his security detail, their plan is to get aboard, get the necessary information directly from the base computers, and get on their way.
To sell the story they have to scrape all of the custom pain off of their armor, though. Leaving them a scratched-up primer gray. And this scene felt like a bit of a blow somehow. Clone Force 99 has always had a ton of personality and individualism- all of the clones have, but the Bad Batch always made their differences known. They can just repaint, but removing all of that from their armor felt like a visual queue of the sacrifices they’re willing to make to get Omega back.
Into the Breach
Of course, this mission doesn’t go smoothly, because why would it? The ship is (understandably) not on the base manifest for the day, and when pressed for even a little information their response is reminiscent of Han being cool under pressure on the Death Star.
Once they’re in place and working on accessing the information, it takes Echo longer than anybody would like to figure out that the coordinates will be a little harder to find still as the sending-to-ship process isn’t as straightforward as they once thought. It’s a scene that makes us feel the void left by Tech all the more. This season has been highlighting the void left by Tech over and over again. He was an integral part of the team and his absence makes every mission measurably more difficult.
So they take the plan D approach. Echo will get onto the shuttle headed to Tantiss, shut down their security measures, and allow the Batch to attach their ship to it, hitching a ride to Tantiss without the need for coordinates.
Which is absolutely and entirely successful… barely. Echo is almost caught and barely gets the proximity sensors shut down before they make their jump to lightspeed. But Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker (not Rampart, loudly not Rampart) trust that he’ll get it done and get attached just in the nick of time.
What did you think of this episode of The Bad Batch? Do you think Omega’s escape plan will work? What do you think is in store for the final episodes? Let us know in the comments!
May the Force be with you, adventures!