Warhammer 40K: 10th Edition’s Top 5 “Fights First” Minis

Goatboy here. One of the more powerful 40K abilities is giving a unit Fights First. Here are the best units in 10th Edition for it, that you should prepare for on the tabletop.
Goatboy here to talk about Fights First. This ability allows the unit to be charged and still fights first. This is a huge “bully” option that can quickly hold the middle and leave opponents wondering how they will take that jerk unit out. Let’s talk about the top five units you will see using it.
5 – Death Guard Foul Blightspawn
Man this guy has always been a pain since he came out. He either covers you in filth with his spewer, forced you to fight last, or just was a tough little jerk to roll out of a Death Guard Rhino. Now they are able to join Plague Marines, and give them another flamer and the ability to Fights First. This is a great power and lets a 7 man unit of Plague Marines bully things around – especially with all their weapon options. Oh, and on top of that, Foul Blightspawn can let another Character join the unit, too, which means you could have a Chaos Lord hiding in the waves of stink that emanate from the unit.
4 – Blood Angels Chief Librarian Mephiston
The Chief Librarian is really only hurt by the fact it can only join some Battleline options. If Mephiston could only join some more of the powerful units within Blood Angels, he would show up a heck of a lot more often. I wonder what Mephiston will shift to when Codex: Blood Angels comes out and if he gets a hold of more things he can shack up with. For example, the crazy Company Heroes would be a lot cooler with their favorite Space Vampire bro hanging out with them.
3 – Space Marines Judiciar
The Judiciar is another Space Marines model that has a ton of “leader” options it can join up with. I would think if a Bladeguard Veteran unit got pushed a bit more in the points department we would see this guy hanging out. The Judiciar is still pretty decent with Precision/Devastating wound combination and enough attacks to maybe push one through. I wish his damage profile was a 3 as it would help “make” him a better choice to add to your Marine armies.
2 – Chaos Daemons Tranceweaver
Do you remember the times when you could have 30 model units of Daemonettes? What would you do if you could have 20 model units? How awesome would it be to have 20 creeps coming at you and hitting first in combat? This is one of those characters that should be good. But without a good way to “deliver” the goods in a unit means the Transceweaver has a ton of upside – just no way to be truly used. I really just wish we had 20 model Chaos Daemons units again, as it would these squishy models get a chance to do damage again.
1 – Adeptus Custodes – Trajann Valoris
Oh good ole Trajann just loves breaking the rules. His Moments Shackle ability allows the model and the unit he leads to strike first. This is probably the biggest bully in the game that keeps a lot of assault armies at bay. Thankfully Adeptus Custodes units went to 5-man models max, so we wouldn’t have to worry about a 10-man bricks of Golden boys waddling up the middle, planting their spears into the ground, and asking you if you can indeed bring it.
What other Fights First units are out there that are pretty scary? Did I miss any?