Warhammer 40K: Adeptus Custodes Combat Patrol And Battleforce Are An Instant Army

Are you looking to jump start a Custodes Army? Well the new Battleforce combined with the Combat Patrol is one heck of deal to do it.
Games Workshop has announced two new boxed sets for the Adeptus Custodes. There’s the Battleforce: Auric Champions and then the Combat Patrol: Adeptus Custodes box. Both of these sets is going to come packed with a ton of useful miniatures for the aspiring Custodes player out there. And what’s even more impressive is if you snag both, you’ve basically got a 2000 point army ready to go.
We’re going to break these down in points based on the current Munitorum Field Manual. The points may change after the Codex: Adeptus Custodes comes out, but for now this is what we’re working with.
Battleforce: Auric Champions
Shield Captain – 140 points
5x Wardens – 250 points
6x Allarus Terminators – 390
3x Vertus Praetors – 225
3x Vertus Praetors – 225
Total: 1230
Again, this is just the new Battleforce box without any additional changes or customizations. And we’re just basing this on what the listed contents. You could make some swaps here and there, but I think you get the idea. It’s a nice chunk of points already in the box and it’s Adeptus Custodes…They are going to be a tough army to deal with for anyone.
Combat Patrol: Adeptus Custodes
Blade Champion – 120
5x Custodian Guard – 225
3x Allarus Terminators – 195
5x Custodian Wardens – 250
Total: 790
So this is another chunk of points from the Combat Patrol. Now, it’s a little strange because if you’re going to take this as part of a Combat Patrol game, you can’t actually take everything in the box. You still get all the models however.
If you add both boxes together you’re going to get a total of 2020 points for the army. Again, this is without any additional options/wargear/upgrades. So you’re actually over the 2000 point limit. The good new is you can shave off a Custodian Guard member or Warden to easily get under 2k — and you can probably slap in a Detachment, too.
Instant Custodes Army
While this would certainly be an instant army (once you build and paint everything anyhow) I know the real question becomes “is it any good?” To that I’d say “it’s Adeptus Custodes.” Which means that it’s a highly elite army and each model is individually very tough. Couple that with the new Codex coming soon and you’ve got a recipe for uncertainty. That said, Adeptus Custodes have historically been a fairly durable and forgiving army. I think this mix of models would provide you with a very solid base.
That said, you’re probably going to want to check out some heavier armor options, too. A Land Raider to get your troops around. Maybe a Dreadnought or even some Forge World options could be good. But for now these two boxes have just about all your boxes checked in terms of points. How you proceed from there is really up to you!
That is a LOT of Custodes to deal with. What would you add/remove to round out this as a full 2k army list?