Warhammer 40K: Female Adeptus Custodes Confirmed!

The new Codex Adeptus Custodes arrived with a GIANT surprise – Female Adeptus Custodes, confirmed by GW themselves!
Move over female Space Marines, the co-ed Adeptus Custodes are here in 10th Edition, with confirmed male, AND female Custodians. In what may be the biggest shock to come out of the new codex, GW has throw a huge curveball in the way of a retcon, for both genders to be members of the the mighty Adeptus Custodes.
The new Codex Adeptus Custodes includes all the rules that the players will pore over with a fine-tooth comb (more article on that soon), but up in front is that lore section that veteran players often skip right over. As with all recent codexes, we get some of the first-person little 1-2 page stories to get you in the mood for your chosen faction.
New Custodes Codex – New Female Members
Pages 14-15 of the new codex start off with this tale of Custodian Calladayce Taurovalia Kesh, a clearly female member of The Ten Thousand. Read along for yourself:
Female Adeptus Custodes Confirmation by GW
As word of this began to race around the web, GW themselves stepped in to confirm it with this from Warhammer Official on Twitter:
“In regards to female Custodians, there have always been female Custodians, since the first of the Ten Thousand were created.”
So that’s it – straight from the horse’s mouth – female Adeptus Custodes are now firmly 40K canon. Not only now, but retroactively all the way back to their initial creation by the Emperor during the Unification Wars on Terra.
Further digging from the depths of the internet (old Reddits) revealed this comment on the subject from five years ago from Black Library author Aaron-Dembski Bowden:
“…What I was saying was, at the time of working on the lore, there was no reason they couldn’t be male or female (and as far as things still stand, there’s still no lore reason they can’t be). But there is a non-lore reason, which was the previous IP overlord saying “There are no female Custodian models, they’re all male, so don’t write any female ones.”
There was also a Studio mandate a couple of years after that, saying “Don’t do female Custodians.” Again, that seemed to tie in with the release of an all-male mini line….”
And here we are. It would seem that initially GW was guided only by a desire to have the lore strictly reflect the miniatures of the the Adeptus Custodes line. But apparently, in the intervening years, the management and IP departments of GW have had a change of heart, and female Adeptus Custodes are there to stay. I can only hope that in the future we will see some new models, similar to the male and female counterparts that are in the Age of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals range. I’m sure there will be some amazing conversions in the meantime.
Learn More About the Adeptus Custodes
What do you think of the latest development?