Warhammer 40K: Hot Mess – What’s Up With Emperor’s Children Index?

Goatboy here again with another 40K Hot Mess. Let’s discuss that new digital-only Emperor’s Children Index we should see in the next few weeks.
Here’s what I want the Emperor’s Children rules to be, and I think we can make a pretty good educated guess to figure out their detachment. I am sure it is going to be based on some things in the CSM Codex, so let’s get to brewing.
An Emperor’s Children Detachment?
First we need to think about what the actual EC detachment is going to do. This needs to match up with some of the index ones we have seen so the overall rule isn’t back-breaking, but it should be decent. They were the army always known to be martially awesome so maybe they do something with combat? Or do we just go hog wild into the whole sound/sonic aspect of their damage output? I don’t think they should have some kind of Dark Pact-like option, so why not just keep it super simple.
Let’s just say they get Sustained hits on all of their attacks. This would include close combat, shooting, and what not. It is pretty simple, unique in that it works in all phases, and could be good. I don’t think we should do any kind of massed reroll option because I am expecting that to go away as other armies codexes come out.
Some Emperor’s Children Enhancements?
With that done, let’s discuss how we could build four different enhancements. I think we do something close combat, something sound/sonic, something that makes you move faster, and finally I think some kind of protection option to give to the bearer and the unit they join. A Feel No Pain option that has some kind of cool drug name. It feels like this is pretty simple, and while we only have one kind of “unit” buffer I don’t think this is the army to be super helpful to the guys they lead.
Emperor’s Children Stratagems?
That just leaves Stratagems to work with and since we are locked at six we could do something like one that gets better if you are shooting someone already hurt. You have an Armor of Contempt like option as well. I think a simple advance-and-charge option would also be showing up. The same thing with a Fallback-and-shoot. I also wonder if they have something that lets the Sonic weapons become like Pistols. Finally, I think they should do something where they can amplify the Sonic Damage as an option too.
Emperor’s Children Datasheets?
Finally, we need a few Datasheets options. While I am expecting they just say you use the CSM ones, I do wonder if they “repeat” all the options with new Emperor Children themed stuff? It would be neat to see a Slaaneshi Forge Fiend where the plasma guns are listed as Sonic. Or things like the Helbrute being faster due to the influence of Slaanesh. There is a lot to be done and depending on if they give it a World Eaters/Thousand Sons change or just make it simple with only a couple of datasheets and some detachment rules.
What are you wanting in the Emperor’s Children Digital release? I am hoping it feels like a full one and gives you an idea of where they might go in the full Codex: Emperor’s Children.
We know it is coming and while this one has a Fulgrim in it – it could still be full of neat stuff and be something fun to play.