Warhammer 40K: Ork Detachment Rules – Green Tide and Dread Mobs Come To Play

The Orks of Warhammer 40,000 are getting a new Codex very soon and we’re getting a look at two Detachments coming to the tabletop!
Games Workshop is WAAAGH!!!ing things up with some new Ork rules. They are untethering rules from the Ork clans and allowing players to mix things up a bit. Your rules won’t be “based on your shirt color” but instead will be based on one of the six Detachments from the Ork Codex. Today, we’re getting a taste of what these Detachments will bring to the game.
“So where do we start? The Waaagh! Tribe is back from the Index, polished up and renamed the War Horde. The new Detachments let you field anything from a Beast Snagga hunting party to a Deff Dread-heavy Mek mob – don’t worry, we’ll come back to that one – but no self-respecting Waaagh! would be complete without its near-endless Green Tide of Boyz. Even the most basic Ork is hard as nails to begin with, but when the Mob Mentality takes over, they can shrug off absurd amounts of punishment and keep their thunderous charge going.”
Orks – Green Tide
So the Boyz in the army just have a straight-up 5+ Invulnerable save all the time. Uh…okay! And if the unit contains 10 or more models they get to re-roll saving throws of 1. It just goes to show how much of a force of nature the Ork belief in victory can be.
Ferocious Show Off allows for an Orks Infantry model to getting a nice boon to their melee attacks. They get a flat +1 to their strength, however, if they are are in a unit with 10 or more models, then they get to add 3 to their strength instead. That should allow for those juiced up attacks to threaten a whole bunch of light vehicles and more. And just to ensure they get into combat, there’s always the stratagem Bulldozer Brutality.
Extend out those combat ranges and make sure you get ALL the models into combat! All for the low cost of 1 CP. And speaking stratagems if you’re worried about your numbers getting thin, pop Come on Ladz! for some extra bodies.
Orks – Dread Mob
“If sheer numbers aren’t your style and you’d rather test the limits of Orky ingenuity, the Dread Mob is a great place to use that new Big Mek you definitely picked up in the Stompa Boyz battleforce. True tekhead Orks are always eager to Try Dat Button!, with results that hearken back to the good old days of randomised bonuses and occasional self-detonations. “
If you want to be a bit of a gambler then the Dread Mob might be a better fit for you. While you can choose the option, you’ll get the Hazardous trait for those attacks. Then again, that could also 100% be worth the trade off!
There’s also the option to go full out with Bigger Shells For Bigger Gitz. Sometimes you need to just go past the red line to take out your targets. What better way to use your Killa Kans than to take out an enemy and then explode immediately afterwards!?
And A Teaser…
“The Kult of Speed can give their Trukks and buggies a 4+ invulnerable save just by going extra-fast, while the new Bully Boyz mob trades the quantity of Boyz for the quality of Nobz and gives them extra Waaaghs! just for themselves.”
It sure looks like the Orks are going to be bringing their WAAAGH!!! to the tabletop with a few different flavors to choose from. Get ready for some deadly new options coming soon with Codex: Orks!
The Green Tide sounds like it’s going to be a problem to deal with. Enjoy that 5+ invulnerable!