Warhammer Next Week: Orks And Custodes Come Crashing In

Do you prefer your new army in green or gold? Either way, you’ll be covered as next week’s pre-orders, Orks and Custodes, roll out.
Someone call Henry Cavill, next week’s pre-order releases sees codices for both the Adeptus Custodes and the Orks, as well as battleforces and combat patrols for both. Which means that whether you want to be fielding an unstoppable fungal menace (and who doesn’t) or the most elite, superest soldiers to ever super soldier, you’ll be able to do exactly that.
Both armies are larger than life, and bring big bombastic personality to the grim darkness of the distant future. They also bring a few new miniatures all of which you’ll be able to get your hands on in next week’s pre-orders.
First up, the Orks. They’re big. They’re green. And they’re in need of more dakka, always. You can never have too much. The Ork Codex comes with everything you need to play the Orks in the newest edition. Inside you’ll find 51 Datasheets, rules for 6 Detachments, as well as new Crusade Rules and a Combat Patrol: Morgrim’s Butchas.
Of course, if you want to field Orks, you’ll need an army. And the Ork Battleforce Box: Stompa Boys has exactly that. You get the new Ork Big Mek (and for now this is the only way you can get him), who comes with many weapon options, including kustom mega-blasta, traktor blasta, power klaw, and drilla. Accompanying him are 10 Ork Boyz, 10 Loota/Burna Boyz, a Trukk, and a Stompa. A force to be reckoned with.
Or pick up the new Combat Patrol. Morgrim’s Butchas are a mob of Beast Snagga Orks. There are 20 Beast Snagga Boyz, as well as four Squighog Boyz, and a burly Beastboss to boot.
Adeptus Custodes
Meanwhile the Emperor’s bestest and most special golden children get their own codex as well. More powerful and better equipped than even the Adeptus Astartes, the Adeptus Custodes have all the best stuff including the best bioengineering. In the Codex, you’ll find all the rules you need to play as them, including 4 different Detachments, 18 Datasheets, and of course, Crusade rules.
And like the Orks, you get a big Battleforce Box, headed up by the newest miniature in the line. The Auric Champions box is led by the new Shield Captain, who comes with a pyrithite spear. Accompanying him are 5 Wardens, 6 Allarus Terminators, and 6 Vertus Praetors on Jetbikes.
Or pick up a slightly smaller box and pick up the new Combat Patrol, which comes with 5 Custodian Guard, 3 Allarus Terminators, and 3 Wardens, all led by a Blade Champion.
All this, next week!