‘Warhammer: The Old World’- 5 Armies Of Infamy We’d Like To See From GW

Take a look at some future alternate Armies of Infamy we’d like to see in the Old World. Hopefully, GW will hear our prayers.
The Old World is chugging along with a stream of new releases coming out. So far, we’ve got three of the nine core armies, with a fourth, Dwarves, coming soon. With each release comes an Arcane Journal full of goodies for the army. One of the coolest parts of each Journal is the Armies of Infamy, alternate army lists you can use. Brettonian, Tomb Kings and Orcs & Goblins have all gotten fun and powerful lists. While we don’t know exactly what Dwarfs are getting, it’s pretty clear that a Slayer list is going to be in the book. But what about the other five armies coming out later? Today, let’s take a look at some Armies of Infamy we’d like to see each army get in the future.
Empire- The Cult Of Ulric
While Sigmar is the main god of the Empire, he is not the only god. One of the other major gods, maybe second behind Sigmar, is Ulric. Ulric is the god of war, winter and wolves and worshipped most prominently in Middenland and Middenhiem. The White Wolf and his followers are fierce and deadly and tend to represent a less organized but not less deadly part of the Empire. This is a classic alternate Empire build as there were rules for both the cult and a number of special units at points in the past. We’ve love to see them come back to the tabletop. As the other Empire list is likely going to be a Nuln/Artillery heavy one, this would be a nice change.
Warriors of Chaos- Norsca
While heavily armored warriors and knights, and big mutated beasts, might be the most obvious parts of a Warriors of Chaos army, they aren’t the only parts. Indeed the bulk of any Chaos army is normally made up of the wild tribes of marauders who bulk up the hordes. In the Old World (the geographical location, not the game) the most common of these are the Norsca tribes that live in the Warhammer equivalent of Scandinavia. Even when there isn’t a massive Chaos invasion going on these guys are still up there living their lives and causing trouble. They are also a pretty popular faction in Warhammer Total War. All said they make a lot of sense to focus on as an Army of Infamy. Give us a way to play more horde and less elite WoC.
High Elves- Dragon Princes
Pretty much any of the High Elf elite units/Kingdoms is just waiting to get its own Army of Infamy. A Seaguard/Expeditionary force seems pretty likely. But if we want to go really crazy, I’d love to see a Dragon Princes of Caledor list. Not only would this have just more Dragon Princes, it would have more Princes riding dragons. Back in the day an alternate War of the Beard High Elf list allowed you to take full units of mid-ranged Heroes riding Dragons. Let’s bring something like that back. Riding small dragons or drakes or something and just being crazy.
Beasts Of Chaos – Dragon Ogre Horde
Look, I have no idea how you would balance this list. Dragon Ogres are already amazing, and having a whole army built around them seems crazy. But it would also be really cool. Moving Shaggoths to have a character choice. Focus more on big things and get those useless Gors out of there. Stomp, stomp, stomp! Add in some more lighting rules and you could have a really fun list. Maybe no access to wizards or something to balance it out.
Wood Elfs – The Treekin List
This one is really a no-brainer. Wood Elfs are split into two parts, the flesh-elf part and the woody-tree-people part. I think it’s pretty obvious that one of their AoI’s is going to focus on the tree-people aspect of the army (the other could be the Wild Hunt). They’ve had the option to take armies like this before, and it makes sense. Treemen, Treekin, Dryads, and the like making up a whole army is a great idea. It can also look very visually stunning.
Let us know what Armies of Infamy you’d like to see, down in the comments!