Cozy Cosplay is as Easy as a Grown-Up Sized Onesie — ‘Star Wars’, ‘Pokémon’ & More

Curl up with these comfy grown-up sized onesies, and you’ll be the softest crime fighter in Gotham, the snuggliest kaiju on the couch—or just a Wookie.
Sometimes, even a cosplayer needs to chill. All those hours of hot gluing rhinestones, carving EVA foam, and stitching garments take their toll on a body. There’s also a ton of hot music and video content dropping online. That said, it’s the perfect time to cuddle up in something cute and cozy! We’ve put together a quick list of comfy onesies you can wear on the couch- or anywhere else you wanna get cozy!
Comfy Closet Cosplay: Sonic the Hedgehog
This one goes out to staff writer and official Sonic fan club president Matt Sall. You can check out his dissertation on all things Sonic here. (Do it, it’s worth it). I can 100% see Matt rolling up to the BoLS studio for a day of production in a comfy guy like this!
Comfy Closet Cosplay: Godzilla
This one, I can confirm personally, works for Godzilla. I got my partner this onesie last year for his company Halloween party (he went as Corporate Godzilla, it was ADORABLE). It’s got pockets, is super soft, and the tail is really well attached. It works for home or the office.
Comfy Closet Cosplay: Mike Wazowski
What better way to cozy up than next to the ultimate sleepy-time pal, Mike! This one is whimsical and looks incredibly soft. The color certainly won’t get lost in the crowd!
Comfy Closet Cosplay: GIR from Invader ZIM
I didn’t know this onesie existed until this day, and now I need one. Invader ZIM was a cherished part of my formative years. If you know, you know. If you don’t, you might be “dumb like a moose,” as ZIM would say!
Comfy Closet Cosplay: Jaws
It’s shark week, baby! Ok, maybe not. But sharks continue to rise in popularity. There are blankets and onesies, slippers, and shower curtains of these terrifying predators. Get your nom on in this comfy cozy shark onesie!

~Join us next week for more cosplay coverage~
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Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to buy raw meat to feed to our carnivorous plant from outer space. If we don’t feed him, he’ll turn on us.