Age of Sigmar: Darkoath Rules Download Available For Free

The free downloadable Darkoath Rules are out for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Snag them while the current edition is still going.
Let’s be real for a second — these rules aren’t going to be around for very long. The new edition is coming and Games Workshop is teasing us all with those previews. So why should we care about these Darkoath rules? Furthermore, if you got the Army Set you also got the rules to go with the models. So who is this download even for?
I suppose this is just so that Games Workshop can keep their promise of releasing these rules for free. They said they would when this box was announced so, good on them for checking that box. I’ve said this in previous reviews of the rules but, right now, it’s just hard to get too excited about these rules as they are going to be changing as soon as the new edition drops.
To reiterate these aren’t bad models — in fact they are a great update to the Chaos Marauders of old. It’s one we’ve been waiting for this entire edition. And rules-wise they aren’t bad, just late to the party. But if you’ve got the models and you want to get them on the tabletop at least the rules are free to download (but again, if you’ve got the army box then you got the rules so… /shrug).
Free Darkoath Rules Download Here
In theory you could run an entire Darkoath Army as well. So if you wanted to run an army that would literally be the barbarian horde, well, there you go! Personally, if someone rolled up to the tabletop with a bunch of rebased old Chaos Marauders and wanted to play them as Darkoath, I’d be down. But I say that as a fellow chaos player — let’s get that chaos horde going!
We need more Conans in this game.