Age of Sigmar: Disciples of Tzeentch Faction Focus – Change Ahead

The Disciples of Tzeentch is under the faction focus spotlight from Games Workshop. What are these lords of change up to in the next edition?
With the new edition coming soon GW is showcasing all the factions once again. Today, it’s the Disciples of Tzeentch’s turn. Let’s see what the cults of change are up to…
Tzeentch has been one of the Great Gods of Chaos since before the Age of Myth. He is the Architect of Fate, the god of change, ambition, and magic. Wherever wizards seek shortcuts to arcane dominance or covetous subordinates plot to usurp their leaders, Tzeentch whispers schemes in their ears and tantalises them with the promise of unchecked power and glorious evolution. This all comes at a cost, one of unpredictable and eternal upheaval… and perhaps a sickening mutation or two.
Disciples of Tzeentch Battle Traits
Destiny Dice are back for the Disciples of Tzeentch. Just make sure you double check the list of things they actually work on! Conflagration of Tzeentch applies the Burning keyword to targets which then combos with Burning Wyrdflame. This can add some extra mortal wounds to targets. The only way to stop/remove the burning keyword is to heal or return a model to the unit via some other means.
Overall, the Destiny Dice still being around is going to make this army feel a lot like it does currently. It’s like a familiar blanket or safety net for the army. As long as they have that they will be okay.
Disciples of Tzeentch Battle Formation
“With near-limitless transformative power, the Disciples of Tzeentch can engage in battle in myriad ways that no mortal could hope to count. To keep it comprehensible in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, they have four Battle Formations in their Faction Pack. The Wyrdflame Host showers their foes in a Mutagenic Inferno, causing them to squirm and thrash as mutations erupt over their bodies, subtracting 1 from Wound rolls.”
This is just one small tease as to what’s coming with the Battle Formations for the Disciples of Tzeentch. It’s one of four and you know there’s loads more they have tucked away. Still, tagging an enemy with a burning effect is going to also apply a -1 to wound rolls and that does add up! I’m curious to see what else they have in their kit.
Lore of Change
It just wouldn’t be Tzeentch without a way to turn your foes into chaos spawn, right? Well good news — the chaos spawn are coming. And they will keep coming, and coming, and coming…
Waves of Mutation, indeed! I guess that’s one way to sell those models. ANYHOW I’m sure the chaos spawns will be very useful and totally not busted.
Disciples of Tzeentch Warscrolls
Once again, the crew at WarCom has dropped four warscrolls for some of the more popular options. We won’t dissect them here but you can read them all below. Make not of the abilities changes, stat updates, and weapon profiles! Changes ahead.
Disciples of Tzeentch Spearhead
- 1x Magister on Disc of Tzeentch
- 3x Screamers of Tzeentch
- 3x Flamers of Tzeentch
- 10x Tzaangors
- 10x Kairic Acolytes
This is indeed the same set as the current Spearhead box. Once again, if you’re looking to start this army now is the best time to snag this set before the price hikes hit! Not only is this a solid option to start an army from it looks like a decent Spearhead force, too. You’ve got a lot of bodies and some hard hitting/durable options mixed in. Plus its Tzeentch so you know the magic is potent. Not too shabby!
The Disciples of Tzeentch are coming out of the gate swinging! Are you going to get caught up in their machinations and plans for the new edition?